First off - HAPPY BELATED MOTHER'S DAY everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful day doing exactly what you wanted!!!
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For some reason, this spring is kicking me in the butt more than previous springs.'s all good - or at least, I'm on the downhill slide now. Pretty soon I'll be kicked back on the porch swing enjoying the easy life.....
As if THAT will EVER happen:)
Friday night we FINALLY got around to having Tyler's birthday party with his friends. And I cheated big time! I took all of them to Put N Stuff - but it was all cool - the kids had a blast. It was interesting driving 4 boys all from the ages of 5-9 over there. I didn't think 7 year old boys could produce so much testosterone:)
I've been taking care of calves and helping Jessie with Punx:
Working with the piggies (notice the nice clean pen they have - Jessie spent about 40 min. hauling piggy poo out of there):
And cleaning out more flower beds with my little helper.
I have 1 more flowerbed to clean out. This weekend a good friend and I are going greenhouse hopping. And hopefully by Monday morning, the garden will be planted and all my flowerbeds will be done.
And did I mention I picked up a second job? It's with the same church organization I work for now, but it's office work up at our camp. It's only 10 hours a week - once school is out I'll be working 40-45 hours a week (right now I'm at about 38 and that is my limit). talks and there are some rather large projects we want to do this summer. The good thing is I could walk to the camp from our house, if I was so inclined. Which i probably won't be:)
This week will be a relatively slow week for us. Both kids have soccer practice Wednesday night and Tyler and I go to the zoo on Friday with his kindergarten class. And Friday night is a pig auction where we will buy Jessie's County Fair pigs. Then it's soccer games Saturday morning, and if the weather cooperates (read - we get LOTS of rain) we will be headed back to PA for a quick trip to visit family.
Hope everyone's day is sunny!
Sounds like you have been busy...I know the feeling! I only work part time right now, but its amazing how time just flies. I have been meaning to get so much more done than I have been lately. Congrats on the new job, and happy belated mother's day to you too. Hope yours was great.
I can't believe how much stuff you pack into every day!
Oh, I bet Tyler and his buddies were a real hoot. Around the age of 7 seems to be the opening ceremony of the male obsession with gross-out humor. ;P
What are you feeding the piggies to fatten them up? Or is that classified info? ;)
You stay so busy! I hope your pigs fatten up-that is more than a pound a day! I can not believe that. The birthday party looks like it was a blast!
It sounds like you are thriving on the busy-ness! Happy spring to you!
Hey Kris,
You sure are busy!Seems this spring has been a busy one here also, I'd rather keep busy tho.
Have agreat wk.
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