Sunday, December 19, 2010
Down and Out...
It was the BEST money we ever spent. Hands down. But I never had 20/20 vision in my right eye. More like 20/40 on a good day, 20/60 on a bad day.
This spring my eye surgeon (I go every year to him for a checkup and in return, have free touchups for life on my Lasik surgery) said he could get my vision in my right eye to 20/20. So I jumped on the chance....after I procrastinated through a busy summer.
And I had itLasek surgery done last Thursday night at 5:00 p.m. Friday until about 4 was awesome, clear vision, no pain, no symptoms. Then my eye started feeling like it had a piece of dirt in it. By Saturday morning it was red, itchy and streaming tears....I make an emergency run to the doctors?
And I'm FREAKING allergic to the bandage contact lens they used to protect the nerve endings in the surface of my eye while they heal for the next 7-10 days! You have GOT to be kidding me....
So it's home to the recliner for me. No light, no TV, lots of drops and rest......Saturday was torture, today has been a little better. I feel like a wierdo wearing my sunglasses INSIDE the house, but the light hurts way too much.
Hopefully when I go back tomorrow to the doctor it will be even better. Cause I have lots of crafting that needs to get done here in the next 5 days.......2 knitting projects and 4 quilted table toppers!
But as I told Todd last night, even if I had known this was going to happen, I would do it all over in a vision is awesome.....he took care of my astigmatism as well.....I just should have had it done AFTER Christmas, instead of a week before Christmas!
Off to decorate the Christmas tree in the dark! Wish me luck....
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The calm before the storm
The house is decorated for Christmas (except for our big Christmas tree which will hopefully go up Friday night), the presents are wrapped and ready to go. Wait....I do need gift tags for all the presents but that is minor....
We had the family over for dinner on Sunday night for Jessie's birthday. Ate a lot and laughed a lot...what more can we ask for?
The first game? They won 18 to 2 (or something like that). The second game? They got creamed 26 to 0. The third game? They lost again, 14 to 9. Talk about a long day the 3rd game they were dragging. But they played well, learned some things and had a lot of fun.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Knitting
The picture isn't doing them justice - they are a very pretty royal blue, which is the school colors. Her 2 male teachers? Gift cards here we come.....
Then Mom wanted to make sweaters for my sister, Ashley (my brother's girl friend), her and myself. Of course, I get the yarn and some vague instructions on how to make the sweater. It will be just like this one unless I decide to change things up, which could happen:
You can see how far I am on it. It's taking forever to get all the raglan increases done. Hopefully I'll be separating for the sleeves soon. If not, I'm handing it back to her to wrap up and I'll finish it after Christmas!
Last week one day Mom and I went Christmas shopping (I had a $100 target gift card burning a hole in my pocket so I got most of the kids' Christmas shopping done). We stopped into Studio Knit in Medina, and Mom picked out this yarn for me to make her a Curaco Cowl for Christmas (notice the pattern here?). It will be lovely in this red tweed, and really, I can't wait to get started on it. Just have to have it done by Christmas Eve at 5:00 when we get together for dinner!
Of course, I got some Malibrigo for me. After all this holiday knitting I'm going to need something for me, me, me. The sweater is Debbie Bliss Win, out of her luxury collection book. I'm thinking mine is going to be longer, but that will be the only change I make:)
I cannot believe how fast Christmas is approaching, but I was on vacation last week and got: the house cleaned, the family room painted (except for 1 corner, but that would require me moving a very old and very heavy hutch so it's gonna wait), all the inside Christmas decorations out, and most of my Christmas shopping done. And yes, I was 1 of the crazies at Wal-mart the Friday after Thanksgiving for 3 things that were on sale. But I was back home in bed by 6 a.m.....
Have a great day!