This one was a comedy. Absolutely 100% errors on my part. But that only meant I got to knit the entire tank top twice. Yes, you read that correctly.....twice.

And I'm blaming that entirely on my new eliptical machine. Which caused me to loose about 7 inches total (2 of said inches were in the chest) in the last 2 weeks. So I knit my standard 38" size for the top and the 40" size for the skirt.....and it was HUGE. I'm talking exposing everything you don't want to expose huge because it is sagging.

My inital thought when I realized it was way to big, rip it back to just about the flower band and do some mad decreases to get to a smaller stitch count. But as Todd so kindly pointed out (thankyouverymuch), if I manage to loose any more inches, the skirt will be really big. Sigh. So I ripped it out (much quicker than it was knit I might add) and re-knit it in about 5 days.
And actually, this is the 36" size. And while it is still a little snug in the waist and hips, I am cool with that. Because it's too darn cold to wear my cute little tank top sweater right now, and I'm figuring about the time it gets warm enough to wear it (probably end of June the way Ohio weather is going), I'll have lost another couple of inches....and hopefully they won't all be in the chest!
What you don't see in these pictures is me telling Jessie to hurry up and take these pictures please!!! It is freezing out here.....
size 36/38 (I did knit the 38 for the "skirt" portion, and then spaced out my decreases til I got to the 36" stitch counts just below the flower band
Yarn: Classic Elite Yarns cotton bam boo
Needles: size 5
Mods: none except for the sizing. Oh...and I knit the skirt almost 1" longer.
This yarn is gorgeous. I wasn't 100% sold on the yarn until I blocked it good. Now it's incredibly soft and silky feeling. I have the feeling I'm going to be buying this yarn more often......
Have a great Monday!