Friday, August 28, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009
Tomato heaven

With probably 3 times this many green romas on those 4 plants!
32 more roma tomato plants to pick off of (or is it 28 plants yet to pick off of? Either way.....a heck of a lot of tomato sauce and ketchup will be coming my way this weekend) :)
I do have a question for all of you gardening guru's though: there are some black spots on a few of the roma tomatoes - is that the "blight" that is creeping around? Should I pick all the green romas to ripen inside? Or wait and see if they get black spots? Out of that half bushel basket that I picked, I had maybe a dozen tomatoes that I threw out due to black spots......
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Privacy screen

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
No More Baby

I don't know why he looks almost sad in this picture - he might have been concentrating on what Mrs. Hartzler was telling him to do.
Monday, August 17, 2009

So I sat on the swing and kept her company.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
One more thing

Monday, August 10, 2009

Have a great day - if you are getting the heat we are (84 today) - hope you all stay cool!
Friday, August 7, 2009
I don't do blood.....
Well, this time it's me getting hurt and not Jessie. And I survived the blood bath.
Last night I washed and dried Oreo. He's a champ. So I walk Alli out, tie her up, wash her off, walk her back to the barn......and she refuses to go into the grooming chute. So I pull, she tugs, I pull some more. Round in circles we go. Get her half into the chute after 20 minutes. There are side poles that go up and down, but aren't attached so you can take them out. She whips her head around, and knocks one of the poles out.

And where did it land? Right between my eyes. I'm sure I said some very bad words, hung onto her, drug her up the rest of the way into the chute and tied her butt up.

Of course, there is blood EVERYWHERE. My favorite tshirt may very well be ruined. I got the worst of the bleeding to stop, blowed her dry.....she walks out of the grooming chute like a champ where I proceeded to tie her butt up in her stall.
Todd comes home from work.....starts laughing hysterically. Then he looks at it.....maybe you need stitches.......by this time I've taken the tylenol, taken the advil, considered an adult beverage (I didn't) and the bleeding has stopped. Nope I'm not getting stitches right between my eyes. He says it will leave a scar. Do I really look like I care?????
It quit oozing about 11:00 last night.....hopefully today it will not start up again. And I have strict orders from Todd to wait til he gets home to wash Alli, so we can try and figure out what her deal was yesterday.
At least it wasn't one of the kids.....I'd have passed out for sure:)
PS - and as for why numbers are down at most county fairs? Unless you have cattle and calves to pick from, it is a VERY expensive project - with the calf running you anywhere from $500 - $5,000 and feed running $100 a month. Come to think of it, I also don't WANT to know what I've spent on pig feed for Jessie's pig, that is running us $40 a bag and a bag lasts 6 days.......Thursday, August 6, 2009

So I'm tired today.
I'm stopping at our Amish neighbors on the way home tonight - the kids and Todd like canned beets, so I thought I'd buy some and can them. Since my beets didn't get more than a couple inches high and then died off.
Jessie spent about a half hour yesterday working with Porky. She has got him to the point she sets up 2 buckets in the barn, and walks him in figure eights around the buckets. Of course, we had to adjust his feed again. 10 lbs. in 3 days is not a good plan for an ideal weight of 275 at the county fair weigh in.
Next week I start my new schedule at work, since Tyler starts kindergarten next week. I'll be working 9-3 so I can get the kids on and off the bus. I'm hoping if I can continue to get up at my regular time (6:00), I can fit in cooking breakfast and a 2 mile walk every morning before putting them on the bus at 8:20. Somehow, walking with the kids tagging along is not. the. same. as walking by myself for exercise. Lately I've seen 3 or 4 other mothers/grandmothers out walking up and down our road early in the morning - it always creeped me out walking by myself when I was pregnant with both kids (we have some pretty nasty looking houses that are at the other end of our road), so safety in numbers? Even if they aren't with you they are there.
Hope your day is sunny!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
We have Sweet Corn

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Summer Days

We wait, and wait and wait some more. Fortunately there were a LOT of people we knew there, which made the time go faster.
She comes out – she got a 96. Apparently her books weren’t complete enough because I didn’t have her do the final profit and loss pages. HELLO? 36 days til fair? How in the heck can we figure out the final amounts if she hasn’t sold her flipping steer yet??????? (Apparently we are supposed to make it up - I found that out this morning).
Anyhow……she is beyond thrilled, I’m just happy the skillathons are done.
Tonight we are washing the two feeder calves that are going to fair. This ought to be interesting as neither of them are very tame yet. Tomorrow night we are going to Medina County Fair to watch the steer show.
And I was out in my garden last night. And I have TOMATOES. Nothing red yet but for a couple of romas but……they are coming. And our sweet corn is tasseling. I need to do my other ½ bushel of green beans that I got from the Amish. Maybe tonight. And I have a LOT of herbs that need dried, so I’m off after work to find a decent dehydrator for them.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday Fun