Last February, our Jack Russell died. Todd's rabbit dog (a beagle) is gun shy. And his bird dog (a german shorthair pointer) passed away a few weeks ago, but really, hasn't been able to be hunted with for the last few years due to old age.
We put off getting another dog, mainly because I was enjoying not having a dog in the house. We could go away for the weekend and not have to worry about a dog being inside, or sending the dog to either be boarded or to other people's houses.
But this fall, Todd started talking about wanting to buy another bird dog. A German Wirehair Pointer. Supposed to be good hunting dogs, and yet, good with kids (which is a must in our house). So I said fine, go ahead and look.
Around the 1st of the year, he looked, he talked to a bunch of breeders, one of them being a breeder in MINNESOTA, and I ended up mailing off a check for a deposit on a female puppy. Who was born yesterday.
So here the middle of March, Todd and I will be driving to Minnesota (to a point just south of Minneapolis) and back over 2 days to pick out and pick up our puppy. And no, the kids are NOT going with us. Rather, they will go to my parents for the weekend. I'm not that with it to haul 2 kids 13 hours away in one day.
What was I thinking?