Friday, August 27, 2010
I sent a quilt top to her the end of March, along with a check for the quilting, batting and the return shipping. I included in the package the quilt and backing. She cashed my check on March 31st, I talked to her the first week of April (and she assured me it would be done within the next 6 weeks) and I have not heard a word from her.
I am devastated. And yet, I am oh so thankful this didn't happen with the first quilt that she quilted for me, which is a 60+ year old heirloom.....or the seond quilt which is one that I pieced the entire top by hand......
I've sent letters, emails, left phone messages with no response. The quilt top was a gift from a friend and I just want it back. I've even go so far as to send 2 of her relatives messages on facebook - which I just managed to track them down this morning and send off messages. And yes, I see from a wall post from 1 of her relatives that she is still alive (or was still alive as of the beginning of August). Hopefully I'll hear something.
All I want is the quilt back - whether it's been quilted or not. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get it back? Todd suggested that we take a couple days off work and he will DRIVE me down there (5 hours 1 way) to go to her house and pick it up. I'm not sure that I am that desperate.....yet.
But...I have 3 heirloom antique quilts that were Todd's grandmother's that I would LOVE to have quilted. But I'm not sure I could send her another quilt - even if she were to call me today with a perfectly good excuse as to why I've had no contact from her. How hard is it to drop a postcard in the mail.....or send me a message on facebook....or an email? Anyone have a long arm quilting machine that would take execellent care of these quilts and get them done for me?
Leave me a message in the comments and I'll contact you.......
In the meantime, if you are reading this and you have my quilt - please send it back ASAP. I don't care if it is quilted or not......I just want my quilt back!!!!
Patience is really not my strong suit, but oh am I learning it right now......after the fair Todd and I just might have to take a drive.................and I am just sick over this whole mess.....
Friday, August 13, 2010
Curacao Cowl
My seam is horrible, but it's easily hidden in the back and under the second wrap. I can't wait for fall to wear it with a tshirt and jeans.......or to work with a cool jersey jacket.
Hopefully here in about 6 weeks I'll have a little more time to sit, relax and get back to my crafting. Although Jessie and Tyler both are conspiring to hit some steer shows this fall and winter, so we shall see if my plans work out!
Pattern: Curacao Cowl
Yarn:Berrocco Cotton Twist Solids, 5 skiens, sasafrass
Needles: size 8
This would be great if you are new to cables - very clear instructions and easy to understand!
We are super busy this weekend - tonight is the Alumni vs. Varsity soccer game at our school - and while I don't particularly enjoy watching soccer, Jessie and Tyler are dying to go to see a good friend as well as Jessie's 4th grade teacher play so....we will go to a soccer game. And tomorrow is a benefit car wash in Wooster that our 4-h club is putting on at a car dearlership on Old Lincoln Way across from the fairgrounds (sorry, but the name of the dealership escapes me at the moment - but I do know there will be food there at lunch time in exchange for a donation to have your car washed). Then tomorrow night is a picnic/party/cook out to celebrate a friends' parents 35th wedding anniversary and his dad's 65th birthday.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
28 days
Actually, I cannot believe we have 5 days until school starts. And a whole new routine has to start as well. Because I won't have 2 kids at home all day every day to do chores:)
Does anyone else think that the summer just flew by?
I started to freak out Tuesday night. Punx is shedding his hair.....her feeder calf is not walking the greatest....her pigs weigh 190, 199 and 215 lbs right now (we'd like WHICHEVER one goes to County Fair to weigh 260 something). My flowerbeds are not-so-very-pretty-among-the-weeds.....I won't mention what shape my house is in at the moment.....

Then Todd reminded me - we have a month. We can do a LOT in a month.
My response? Sleep will have to be overrated for the next month. For ALL of us:).
Actually, today - I feel optimistic. Punx weighs right about where we want will not take more than a few days to teach her pigs how to walk better......the feeder calf? She is just determined enough to not let him pull any crap with her....and Roundup became my new best friend in my flowerbeds last night. Now as soon as the weeds that I sprayed die, I'll run the weedeater all around the house and presto....they will look good. I "hired" Jessie to clean the house - I left her a list of 10 chores today - if they are all done, she will get $10. And it's stuff like vacuming a room, dusting a room, sweeping the kitchen floor, wiping down cabinets and countertops. I'll leave her a list of 10 more tomorrow, and do the same next Monday and Tuesday. She'll have some spending money and I'll have a cleaner house. I offered to pay Tyler but he said he has plenty of money for the
Monday, August 9, 2010
Ohio State Fair

I think he could end up being a better showman than his sister.
The best thing about the past week? Jessie came home last night fired up to work with her pigs and her steer for our County Fair. She knows what she needs to work on now and is anxious to get started......