This past weekend, we were in Columbus for the Ohio Beef Expo....and I am beat.
We left Friday about noon, and it was non-stop work until we got home Sunday night about 7:30. Well, the kids and I got home about that time...Todd and Jason got home about 8:30 with the calves. My lead foot must have come in handy coming up I71. That and cruise control:)
But both kids had a blast showing their animals....and did very well in the process!
Jessie showed Tank in showmanship on Saturday. We are now calling him the antsy pantsy steer. He's not bad....but he wants to know EVERYTHING that is going on around him. So she didn't place because he wasn't walking like he should.

Sunday was when the fun 6:30 in the morning washing a calf. Jason brought a registered Angus heifer in the sale on Saturday, and Jessie showed her bright and early Sunday morning. She did well - 6th out of 12. Considering the fact that "Fancy" had never been shown before, it was a good experience. And when you are up against the best of the best (the class winner was recently purchased for $50,000), I'll take being in the middle of the pack any day of the week.

There is now talk about her going to some big Angus shows with this heifer....including State Fair and Louisville, KY this fall.

Then she had to show Antsy Pantsy again, and got 6th out of 13. He was better - still not good, but she handled him very well.

She is realizing just what the level of competition is down here, and is perfectly happy with how she placed.

And then it was Tyler's turn. The little turkey. He's been on the fence about showing. He likes it, but he is super competitive and it hasn't clicked in his little mind that being in the middle at this level of showing is very good.
But he showed Fabulous and got 2nd in his class out of 12, and then had to go back in for the championship drive for Crossbred heifer. Where he didn't have a chance up against some of these heifers that show at the National level but hey......

He will take 2nd and the money that he won with it:)

It was 3:30 by the time we got done showing, and at 4 as we were cleaning Fabulous up, Todd was going to get the truck and trailer. He had to wait in line until 6:00 but he finally made it up to the barn, we tossed everything in the trailer and headed for home.
And the kids? They are ready to go to a show in Wabash Indiana this weekend, but I think I need a weekend to recuperate.....