Notice the good shorts?
This girl has a theme going on of getting dressed up to go to the barn.
Oh well - they will wash.

Notice the good shorts?
This girl has a theme going on of getting dressed up to go to the barn.
Oh well - they will wash.
This is the Jessie version of walking her pig every night. We've got a looonnnngg way to go.
And this:
She does the beef skillathon on the 30th of July. I'm not sure I agree with the whole skillathon thing - here in Wayne County they don't have to pass it, they just have to take it. But....she is having fun.
Have a great day
I just like this picture, so I cropped it down.
Let's just say I almost had to break out the telephoto lens to see his place. From the corner of our pasture where we keep the cows. But I didn't because I wanted it to be as acurate as possible to try and convey the sheer distance we are from him. The white mobile home and semi in the middle of the above picture is his.
And my rhododendrons are coming out this weekend. I'll cut the clematis back next spring and train them correctly. My sewing machine should be operational in my house by Saturday (somehow it got knocked out of time). And my sweater is just about done - 1 sleeve, 2 inches on the botton and the collar and it will be complete. I cannot wait.
I'll be back after tomorrow's circus.
I love it when my job is simple!
Have a great day