I think I'm finally getting caught up. Of course, I say that now and SOMETHING will happen. Oh yeah - that's right, we do have to bale hay at some point in time. But since my main job is to keep the cold drinks coming while Todd and others are baling, I'm going to put that one right out of my mind! And I have to spread 7 yards of mulch in the flowerbeds. Which I will use the skidloader for... But I think that is about it.

Fortunately, they are growing like weeds. Still tiny (46, 57 & 73 pounds as of Monday) but I'm not stressing and obsessing about it just yet. I'm not stressing and obsessing about it just yet. I just keep repeating that to myself along with we have months until the county fair.
The kids' are 1 week into summer vacation. And bored senseless already.
Tonight Jessie and I are going to start working on her sewing project for 4-H. We went Monday and she picked out fabric and a pattern, I got it approved by the advisor yesterday, so tonight we will start. Hopefully I will have the patience to teach her how to sew clothing. We also picked up the stuff she needs to do a scrapbook project. The judging for both of these projects is July 13th, so we really need to get moving on them.
We planted the garden on Sunday - in under an hour. 32 Tomato plants (roma and eating), green beans, 4 pepper plants, 4 cucumber plants, 20 lbs. of potatoes, 4 zuccini squash plants, 1 butternut squash plant, 4 giant pumpkin hills and 3 jack o lantern hills. We comandeered the kids to dig all the holes, Todd dropped the plants in and I filled in around them with dirt. We'll see how this goes. And yes, I got a little carried away on the tomato plants.....
Have a great Thursday!
Good luck with the sewing!My girls are not interested in "homemade" clothes anymore...I sewed a lot when they were younger, but not anymore. Your 4H -requires a lot more work than the program in Norway...
Cute pigs- I'm sure they will grow like weeds!
The piggies are so sweet! Glad you got your garden planted! That is a lot of tomatoes, lol!
Goodness, Kris- sounds like you've been extra busy!! Love the piggies- don't worry- I'll bet they'll pack on the pounds in no time.
Sounds like a wonderful garden. Don't know how you will keep up on the zucchini plants though.
As for being on top of things I figure like is like a tossed salad and as soon as things start to settle someone throws everything back up in the air. Seems to be how my life goes anyway.
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