Jessie is getting pretty good at blow drying all of these animals. And her heifer is really starting to come around for her and walk like she should.
And Hamilton the pig? He weighs 284 (max weight is 280) so we are hoping with some vigorous walking and washing and the trailer ride he SHOULD slide in at about 276. Friday night he weighed 289, so we are slowly getting there.
And yes, that is a marshmallow on the end of her whip. Amazing how far he will walk for a marshmallow.
Tonight Todd and Jessie are taking the camper into the fairgrounds while I take Tyler to football practice. Then we are going to a friends house to weigh their pigs and so Jessie can walk Huey one last time. Then it's home to weigh "Hamilton" and wash and walk him one last time.
Tomorrow night we are hauling the fan cage into the fair grounds and decorating our club's pens. Todd and I both have off on Thursday - I'm really hoping to get the grocery shopping done for the week and we will get the tack boxes and feed all packed up and make sure Hamilton is on track with his weight. Then while I pick the kids up at school, it will be one last weight check for Hamilton and our friend's pigs, and the first load will go to the fairgrounds about 4:30. I think they have to make 4 trips to get everyone into the fairgrounds this year......
And...I have to put the binding on the quilt I'm taking to the fair. It's all ready to go, it just needs sewn down so hopefully that can happen tonight as the quilt has to be in there tomorrow morning by 9. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right?????
Good luck with everything:-)
OMG, that's so funny about the marshmallow! My kids would probably walk any distance for a marshmallow. Hmmm. I wonder what that says about them (little piggies!)! lol!
GOOD LUCK with the fair!!!!
Alot of work! You're making Sweet memories for your wonderful Children!
Good Luck!
that is so funny about the marshmallow, great photo.
Gill in Canada
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