BoHo blouse from Glam Knits
Of course, I do have something quilty to show. I made this top last winter - all it needs is quilting. I'm going to attempt that on my newly fixed sewing machine (which has been in the shop 3 times so far this summer. Fortunately nothing major each time, just annoying). Todd and I decided that I would send all my future quilts out for quilting as my machine is getting up there in years, but this one? I have maybe a 1/4" extra of backing all around, so I'll be doing it myself.
Another knit for me - and I have been working on it for quite a while. I love the Pimlico Shrugs, however, I wasn't sure I could do the lace pattern, so I did a seed stitch. Talk about boring and time consuming. The body needs to be at least 25" long (the pattern says 35" but I'm seeing where everyone else went shorter). I'm at about 12". This one may take a while.
But of course, I have something waiting for Jessie for a Christmas present - the Central Park Hoodie in this lovely periwinkle Cascade 220 Superwash yarn. Of course, with her being just about 10 and the pattern only going to an extra small (32") I will be sort of flying on a wing and a prayer. Smaller needles, smaller yarn and hopefully it will work! I'll have to learn how to read charts with this one, but I went and specifically brought more yarn (to put with some leftovers from another sweater) for this sweater from my LYS so that if I get to confused (which may very well happen) I can go in there and they can straighten me out!
And I have something else for me - which the yarn just arrived for yesterday. The Skating Sweater from Twinkle Knits in Rowan Big Wool. I found 5 skiens on ebay for dirt cheap (about 1/4 of the normal price) because they are two different dye lots.
So now you all know what I will be doing this weekend, in between washing Punxs and Roscoe daily and cleaning the house. Have a great weekend everyone!
Hopefully Dawn loves it as much as I love the gift she sent me:
Let's just say - when I picked it up from the post office, I had every intention of waiting until I got home to open it. Um...no. I had to open it, admire it AND transfer purses while driving down the road. I'm so thankful I thought to take the back roads.......
And then, I swapped with Jacquie - some knitted fingerless mitts for pillows. I really think I got the better end of the deal, and have started on a little something for her as a thank you.
Even though these are not in my bedroom, they go in there perfectly. If I was going to show you a picture of them on my bed, I would have to fold the 10 loads of laundry that we keep dumping on there every morning to find clean clothes and make the bed. Which was not happening this morning.
Because I have a new sweater for me which is almost done, and I'm anxious to wear it:)
Yes, I am horrible. I know.
Now I'm off to do some blog reading. You all have been busy......
I went back and snagged these beauties for $8.00. Yes, all 3 of them for $8. I'm hoping that was a good deal. The 8x8 dish already has been put to use for dinner last night (venison pot pie), and the large mixing bowl in the back is the perfect size to hold Tyler's popcorn snack at night. I have another one from my last trip the same size, which holds Jessie's popcorn.
Have a good weekend everyone! I have to work tomorrow:( but Sunday will be a day of fun - cleaning out my sewing/computer room. I think I'm getting the bug to sew again..........
Meet Rondell. She was shown as a yearling and did quite well. Jessie was impressed that she walked off the trailer nice and calm and Jason led her around, set her up and walked her before putting her in the pasture. I think she is campaining to show her this winter. But that is not an option - she is too old:)