Tyler is at the babysitter's today - and there was a strange cat hanging around. The babysitter's husband would not let her keep it. Tyler knew enough to know he didn't want to let him get rid of it. Tyler and the babysitter check door to door all around the neighborhood - no one is claiming it...
So when I show up to pick him up, it's oh please mommy, can I keep him. I'll feed him and play with him and take good care of him.

I call Todd (actually, I sent him a picture message of Tyler and the cat, and asked him how he liked Tyler's new pet). 30 seconds later - Todd calls me.
What sex is this cat? and Is it fixed.
It's a male (I think - Todd will have to check for sure). And I don't think it's fixed.
Is it tame?
Seems to be.
What the heck, bring him home. If he's still around when we go to PA in a couple weeks to visit the relatives, we'll take it with us and have it fixed (his uncle is a vet).
So Tyler has a new cat, and he is one happy little boy.

And me, who is allergic to cats, is hoping I can keep this wonderfully friendly and loving animal out of the house!
Congratulations on your new pet!:) He is a pretty kitty and good luck with keeping him out of the house. I used to sneak our outdoor cat into my bed at night. She would lay perfectly still under the coverss when my mom came into say good night and then crawl out to sleep when the coast was clear; I am allergic to cats too but I wanted her close by. Be suspicious of any unfamiliar lumps in the bed!
Yea for Tyler and his new cat!
Your babies can surely get to our hearts, can't they?? I hope you do ok. My daughter is allergic and she can't get near them.
He's gorgeous
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Yep, you're a softie! ;) Eric is allergic too, and we have 3 indoor cats!! :) He's actually built up his immunity by living with them and they don't seem to bother him at all anymore. (Just don't tell your kids that....you'll be inundated!)
We recently got a new black cat and after ionly $400 in vet bills, we can finally claim him as ours! He is really good though. Glad you brought him in!
Awwwww. A sweet thing to do for your little boy. I tend to go for dogs, but the cat does look adorable. Hope it turns out well. And I loved the conversation you and hubby had. The simple, day to day things that makes life so worth living.
Every barn needs a cat to protect it and keep it critter free...
Mom and Dad ARE easy AND suckers!!! tee hee,,
how appropriate for this time of year?? a black cat...you'll have a built in Halloween decoration!
Our cat was a stray, and I couldn't have picked a better pet. He is such a good friend. I'm glad you (and Tyler) decided to keep him!!!!
softie!!! but look at that adoreable little kitty cat. i would have fallen prey too i'm afraid. lol. i hope you can keep him outside and the little one helps out with him. thanks for sharing. have a great day.
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