I've wanted a long arm quilt machine, but the cost is a little prohibitive, for Todd and I, at this point in time.
I found this website on the web, and was intrigued. According to it I could use my machine like a long arm machine, but also, the frame is lightweight, stores easily, and I could do hand quilting on it too. I really need to learn how to hand quilt (and I have a hoop stand frame and a Q snap frame). There is a link on the home page that you can watch the same DVD they send with the frame to set it up.

After checking on ebay, I found 1 for $69.99 plus s/h (which I think was around $15). I could have brought just the hardware for $49 (and brought my own rails) but to begin with, I wanted the whole set up.
It goes together ok - it took me about an hour watching the DVD and following along step by step. And that was putting it all together and loading the quilt onto it as well.
Quilting was a breeze. Once I figured out just where to put the PVC pipes that support the quilt frame on either side of my machine, and the easiest way to hold the frame - the quilting flew by.

Advancing the quilt to quilt new parts is not bad - a little tricky the first couple times but then it was fine. This frame it is easiest if you quilt from left to right and go all the way across the quilt. Then at the end you cut your threads and start at the left all over again. It mentioned (I think) in the DVD that you can stop with your needle down and advance the quilt on the frame, but I'm not co-ordinated enough to do that. And I could just see trying to explain to Todd that he needs to fix my machine again cause I bent something doing that!
I think it may waste a little more backing fabric (and I am one that likes to slide by with as little waste as possible) but I'm not sure. I did load 2 more tops onto it yesterday when I was done with this one (2 table toppers that are each about 18" square) - I loaded them side by side, the idea beingI can quilt across the first one and keep going right across the second one. We'll see how that works. The plus side is what waste you have is at least 44" wide (or however wide your backing is) and 6-8" long - so it's a good size piece of fabric.
I do not like how the machine is positioned only for 1 fact - it is extremely hard to thread the machine (and maybe that is just me). Or I just cannot thread my machine if I am not facing it head on. It does take up a lot of space to quilt (you need about 4' on each side of your machine clear) but I just set it up on my kitchen table. I have plans of putting a 6 or 8 foot folding table in my sewing room and using that.
But, I'm happy I brought it and Todd is already planning on going to the hardware store and getting me rails to do bigger quilts on it. Since most of my quilts tend to be twin or double sized quilts....
I did a "test drive" on one of these in a store a few years ago and wondered how it would work when advancing the quilt. Thanks for the report. Those quilts do get heavy trying to quilt them on the machine. Glad you like it.
I had to catch up this morning as I've been away for a few days. WOW! So much happening for you! The pizza looks delicious. I prefer our homemade to store bought or restaurant hands down. And the quilt frame looks interesting. Glad it is working for you and that soon you'll be able to do bigger quilts. Fun and a time saver, yes?!
I just love visiting your blog! I have never quilted. I love crochet, knitting and sewing but to make a quilt is very intimidating to me. Yours look so beautiful and COZY!!
I have thought of getting one of those since I don't have a lot of room. Thanks for your review. I might have to start saving pennies to make it happen. Sounds a lot easier that do those big quilts on my Bernina.
That is a nice compromise. I still drool at the Gamills but don't have the room myself.
I absolutely love it when someone does the foot work for me, so thanks for "trying before I'm buying"
does the last paragraph mean that you could not quilt a larger top than a table runner with the parts that came with the hardware?? or did I read that wrong? You certainly answered a lot of questions for me, and I'm going to pop over to the sight right now....thanks!
This looks really neat! I may have to save for this too.:) I have seen similar things, but I wasn't too sure how it worked. Can you do free motion quilting or just side to side? Thank you for answering all of our many questions!
Congratulations on your new quilting frame! You do know that we will all be coming to your blog to see pictures of quilting! LOL
that's interesting I have seen them but don't quilt enough to warrant getting one.
Am hoping to get more quilting done now that the weather has got a bit colder.
Gill in Canada
very interesting, I imagine it will be great once your feel familiar with it.
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