Yesterday I went with Tyler's preschool class to a corn maze/pumpkin patch right around the corner from our house (about 1 mile away). It was such fun - even in the rain.

He's got a wonderful teacher, speech therapist, and assistant who all went along - the kids had a blast.

The corn maze was done in the pattern of a pirate ship. Looking at the Map (I got to lead everyone through it) it looked huge, but really, only took about 15-20 minutes to walk our way through. And I wasn't straying from the path - there were enough twists and turns I'd have gotten us lost for sure!

Then it was take Jessie to Akron Children's to get an xray done on her arm - to make sure she has not put it out of place - its still in place and in 2 weeks, she can get a short arm waterproof cast on it! And then 2 more weeks after that and we should be DONE. WHOOOOO HOOOOOO
While we were in the waiting room, she read a book and I worked on this:

Then when we got home, I blocked my cropped cardigan that my Mom made for me. I LOVE it. So much, I wore jeans to work today just so I could wear it!

I'll have to get a better picture taken later - it's awesome. And so nice and warm!
Hi Kris,
The trip looks fun. I use to go on all the field trips and do tons of volunteer work at school. I miss those days .
Glad Jessie is doing better.
Love the sweater! Your Mom did a great job!
Have a great day!
Love the cardigan! It's beautiful. Nice day you had :)
My children are grown, but I remember chaperoning the field trips to the pumpkin patch where we would ride the hay filled wagon out to the patch. We would always have a little cup of fresh apple cider. I miss those days, too.
Great job on the Nearly Insane blocks!!!!!
what a fun trip, though i surely would have gotten lost in the maze. i'm going to check out what kind of horse i am...
It looks like a lot of fun! I would have been lost for sure.:) I love the cardigan your mom made you.
Sweet pirate ship theme! Looks like you had fun for sure! I just noticed your quilt count on the left...very nice!
Looks like such fun! And so glad to hear Jessie's arm is healing properly! What a relief that must be for you guys!! :)
Boy, I LOVE that sweater!!!! your Mom is very talented!! love it love it love it!
looks like everyone has been going to the pumpkin patch lately. :o) What fun.
beautiful! i love it too!
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