Was anyone else as disgusted as I was by the debate last night? Seems that the only thing they accomplished (to me) was blaming the other one and dancing round the issues. Our pastor summed it up on Sunday - do they both think they are so all fired important that they can single handedly change the course of this nation and the economy in 4 years? It's taken years to get into this mess - it will take years to get out of it.
We've been watching groceries go up and up and up. I've really started cooking from scratch (you know it's bad when I'm attempting to bake pies for something different besides the usual chocolate chip cookie or granola bar in our house- LOL) but of course, cooking from scratch means you have to have the ingredients on hand (as I found out when making bread on Sunday and ran out of flour).

So yesterday I went to a bulk food store I had heard about by my work. Those stores are dangerous for me:

Of course, I can't leave them in the little plastic baggies they came in, now can I?
This is just a small portion of what I got. Of course, then I had to clean out my freezer to make room for all the flour! And the donut flour, and the pancake mix, and the .......you get the idea.

But....I got a copy paper box and a brown bag of stuff for $30 or so - and I know I had 20 lbs. of different flours in that box (all purpose, bread flour, wheat, cornmeal, pastry flour). And bacon bits, chocolate chips, candy corn, pretzles, 4 jello mixes, baking soda, baking powder, cinamon (all were 1-2 lb. bags) m&m's for baking, pecan pie mix (just add water - even I can't screw that up), pecans, a 5 lb. bag of trail mix for $2.49, yeast, dry milk, oats, egg noodles and elbow macaroni.
This week and next we are stocking up on other basics - and hopefully this winter I won't have to go to the store but for milk, cheese and the like.
And, just to have some pretty pictures, here's some pictures from Jessie's field trip on Friday:

Don't let the sunny pics. fool you - it was freaking freezing!
You've made me think. We're only two so buying in bulk hasn't been easy. But, if we know how to properly store and freeze, maybe we should!
And, where are the mayonnaise jars?! Some of those might be useful, too! :)
That is a great idea! We have been stocking up on canned items and buying meat when it is really cheap to put away in the freezer. I can not believe that you got trail mix for that cheap-that would not be good for our house. We eat it way too quickly!
Hi Kris,
Wow, you found some great buys!
I make trail mix no way you can make it as cheap as you bought it.
I make alot at Christmas time put in tins or jars and give as gifts.
I am not a Baker but determined I'm going to learn to do more scratch baking this fall.
Hope you have a great day!
Good luck on stocking up!
I know what you mean kris. I tend to think we would be better off than most if things turn really sour, but without being stocked up on the basics....it would be very difficult. I need to go shopping!
We shop at a bulk place and they wikll make up sizes besides what's on the shelf also...we get bigger bags than what they usually have out. Just ask and they may do it if you care. Watch though...ours re-bags domino's sugar (and says it is domino's) in plastic bags for higher $$ than you would get at the regular grocery store. Still, I like bulk for lots of things!
We have a great little bulk place nearby run by the local Mennonite community. Prices have gone up even there. Last year I got rolled oats for $.38/lb. Two weeks ago we went for the annual fall stock-up and it was up to $.50/lb. an increase but still a better deal than you can get at the grocery store.
At least I've recently cleaned out my freezer to make room for more! ; ) J
We are a "squirrel" family, too, our laundry room looks like a 7-11 store. I am a firm believer in buying in bulk and on sale. but it takes up a LOT of room!!
Yep, our grocery bill is astronomical. I buy some things in bulk, like beans and lentils. My son would love if I'd buy cookies in bulk....
i have to admit, i didn't even watch. i think i've had enough. i know what you mean about grocery prices. i buy in bulk too, but probably not as much as you do. with the cooler weather coming i'll be baking more too.
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