Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The waiting game.....
Monday, February 22, 2010
Basketball, baking and knitting
My newest knit - short lucky. I'm 8" into it and loving it. It's knit from the bottom up, which was causing me a panic attack hoping it won't be too short, but I'm simply knitting the length longer by 2 inches or so if it works, so all should be well. The color in this picture is not exactly right - it's more of an olive green than this grey toned green. I'm hoping to have it done by the weekend. I want to wear it in the worst way......
Sorry I didn't get a picture of the pie before we cut into it. What can I say - the kids and Todd love berry pies.....
And the basketball? 16 to 6 in our favor... The girls were a little intimidated when they first got out there - 3 of the girls on the other team were easily 5'6" tall.
So we now have 1 more game this weekend and then a tournament game. Right now our girls are in second place overall in their division.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
9-3 Husky girls win....
And Jessie scored her first basket.
I keep trying to get a picture of her face as she plays - she gets this really nasty, mean look on her face when she is playing defense. But I am usually sitting in the wrong spot to get the picture. I'm going to really try this weekend, it's pretty funny.
She had a couple hours to rest before going off to cheer during the halftime of the varsity basketball game. Once again, it was a real hoot.
She came out of this saying.....I like playing basketball much better than being a cheerleader....
They are finally back at school today....with a 2 hour delay this morning but school nonetheless. I am so glad to be getting back to my normal routine....I just really hope that the weather forecast straightens out.....we don't need anymore snow!
Be back later,
PS....and the duvet cover? It was a big hit....which is a relief:)
Monday, February 15, 2010
11 days

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow day finsih

One note - when you put even a few hours into something to wear, remember to try it on with nice clothes. Yoga pants and a ratty tshirt will make ANYTHING look horrible....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
12+ inches

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Digging Out

Jessie is supposed to have a basketball game at 2:00, but we are guessing it is canceled with the level 2 snow emergency.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Jessie's Central Park Hoodie
This started out as a sweater as one of her Christmas presents. You can see how well I did with that deadline.....Actually, I had the back and the fronts all done in time for Christmas, it was the seaming, the hood, the button band and the sleeves that I dragged my feet on!
Honestly, I had visions of making this sweater for Jessie, my Mom and I for Christmas. All in different colors of course. That obviously didn't happen - and isn't likely to any time soon! This sweater is supposed to be knit in 6 pieces, then seamed together and you put the button band on. I knit the fronts and the back separate and seamed them up, then picked up and knit for the hood. Also the full length sleeves with the double cable (like what is running up the center back) didn't happen. I think she knew that it wouldn't get done.
It must run small - I knit Jessie the 32" size, and I don't think it will fit her next year. Maybe I'll be surprised.
I was working on it while waiting for her to finish up basketball practice, and her three BFF's came over and requested matching sweaters (they even gave me the colors they want - lol). Two birthdays in April and 1 in June. Might have to find a quicker pattern and do all 4 of them matching ones for next year.
As for portability - you can't beat knitting. If I am organized enough (as far as dinner being mostly done and the house sort of picked up before we head out the door), I don't run home anymore even when she is at practice. I can sit on a chair in the corner and have an hour and a half of uninterrupted time to work on stuff. This tested my limits with the cables (I think that's why one is backwards - I was trying to work on it during a practice) but simple stuff like dishcloths and scarves and mitts - are super portable. And the 100% cotton yarn at wal-mart (I think it's Peaches and dreams, peaches and something anyhow) is only 1.57 a skien, and you can get 2 dishcloths out of a skien on size 7 needles).
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
See it now?
Todd asked if I was ripping back to fix the twisted cable. Um....NO. All I have is the hood, the button band and the sleeve bands to do**. Jessie opted not to have long sleeves so it would get done girl! Since this was supposed to be a Christmas present, I'm flying through it now....hopefully tonight it will be done for her to wear tomorrow
*technically, the first cow is not due until March 6th, but they could calve early, and the suspense nearly kills me this last month - heifer or bull - good or bad - healthy or not?
**if I had noticed the twisted cable sooner than 10" away from it, I might have ripped back. But since I didn't notice it until everything was seamed together and I was several inches into the hood - I'm not ripping out that much.....
Monday, February 1, 2010
Weekend fun
I finished Tang:
Lining up at the start of the second half....