Jessie is supposed to have a basketball game at 2:00, but we are guessing it is canceled with the level 2 snow emergency.
Everything up around the house is drifted over my knees. I'm not sure what it is like when you get further down the driveway - and I'm not walking down there right now to find out.
I'll hear soon enough when Todd gets done digging the driveway out with the skidloader. I'm guessing it's pretty bad, as the comment he made before going out was if he could just break through with the truck, he wouldn't dig out the driveway as we are supposed to get snow every day this coming week but Monday.

Sounds like a good day to stay inside and clean the house, bake, cook, sew and knit.
Stay warm! I'll be back to visit you all after I clean the house....
Stay warm and I guess enjoy it. We no snow, just very strong winds. It's ugly out there.
Stay warm and have fun doing all you plan on doing. Sounds like a great time to be quilting or knitting. Hugs
Wow, it's amazing!
We, here, in moderate and mild Canada, hearing about your big blizzard! Well, stay warm and cozy and make some yummy comfort food...
stay warm. wish I lived next door. I could walk over and we could sew together all day. :o)
I am glad it doesn't look the same here as your scenery looks right about now!
I'm sure the kids will Love the snow.
We have rain and lots of it!
Have a warm and cozy wk.end!
Wow, that's a lot of snow! Hope y'all stay safe and warm at home!
Looks like you got more than us. I think we got 12 inches up here! I love the snow, just maybe not this much all at once ;) Hope you were able to stay warm, and have some good family and sewing/knitting time.
Now, that looks like our winters... That's just what I do, stay inside, curl up with a sewing project or book and forget about the cold and snow. Only go out when I have to!
Stay warm,
Oh, you poor thing......
But at least you are organized and have extra food and a warm house and something to knit......
And you can make all the mess you want to because no one will be dropping in.
you guys were hit hard, we were lucky it missed us this time......
Stay warm,
Gill in Canada
Well, I certainly hope you're not still cleaning house. LOL
I love the snow but after slipping on black ice and breaking my ankle during a snowstorm last year, I'm a little gun shy. So, I think I'll stay inside an admire any snowfall we might get in the future. LOL
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