I finished Tang:
I was a little worried while knitting this one. This yarn is smaller than what the pattern calls for, so I knit a size larger than I would normally wear, hoping to end up with the size I needed. It worked and it fits perfectly. This sweater is in the Custom Knits book that I got for Christmas, and I have to say, I'm already thinking about the next sweater I am making from this book. Classic sweaters, nothing fancy, but this is what I love to wear.

I'll have to get right on the next one.....these things are great cause they are so thick and sturdy.
I finished up this dishrag. I'm embarassed to say that all of my store brought ones bit the dust, and I've been using more and more papertowels. So about 6 weeks ago I cast on for this (wanting some small, mindless knitting while waiting at various events) and finally finished it up.
Did anyone see the moon last night? This was about 8:00 - the orange ball - not the white one. Couldn't crop that house light out. The moon was huge - and orange. Todd said he heard this was the closest the moon has been to earth in a long while. I can believe it.
There was some practicing our offense (notice the #5 guarding her from very far away? yes.....none of the other team wanted to get to close to our girls at the end). hmmm.....

Lining up at the start of the second half....
Lining up at the start of the second half....
And practicing of defense. I tried to get a picture of the girls on the ground shortly after one of these shots, but I wasn't quick enough. They do like to hang on and not. let. go. at. all. costs.

But they are having fun - and that is what counts.
Todd did manage to get cow pens cleaned, manure hauled and wood chopped this weekend. We still have enough wood to get us through the rest of the winter, but he likes to get a head start on next years wood. Plus it burns hotter and longer if it is dry wood that we are using.
Have a great day
Looks like a fun wk.end!
Love the sweater!I love those dishrgs all I use now.
Way to go Jessie!:o)
Have a warm & cozy day!
You are a knitting machine! Meanwhile, I have half a dozen unfinished scarves/sweaters/hats lying around. Where do you find the time?!?
I love the knitted dishcloths too! I try out wacky new stitches that way. And they just get softer and fluffier every time you wash them. :)
you have been stitching like crazy. beautiful. Love the orange moon.
Your sweater looks GREAT!
Your sweater looks GREAT!
Wow, love the sweater! And maybe I can learn to knit just good enough to do some dishcloths...I love those!
I love your sweater. Can't wait to see your next one. Hugs
the sweater looks great. I would love those dish clothes.
Gill in Canada
Great picture of the moon! We didn't get to see it because of cloudy weather.
Amazing sweater! I never cease to be amazed at your skills!
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