Thursday, January 31, 2008
Family Fun Pictures
Ohio Weather
Sunday, January 27, 2008
January 27, 2008

When I was new to quilting, as in the case of this one, I just used the same fabrics they made the sample from in the shop. Even now, I hate picking out fabrics for a project - I'd much rather have everything all put together so all I have to do is sew it together.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sick Day
Jessie was laying on the couch yesterday, and she asks me, "how many animals can I show in 4-H next year?" I told her we would have to see, and we would have to start looking at calves this year for next years steer project if she wanted to take a steer. Her response was: "I'm showing a beef steer, a dairy steer, a feeder calf, a veal calf, a pig a sheep and a horse, and since Daddy always says 2 will grow better than 1, I will be showing 2 of each of these animals." All I could do was stand there in shock thinking of all of this. It does help raising our own beef - she has a ready made supply of steers to show at the fair (not grand champion material, but at 9, we won't be out for the grand) and we have family members and friends that raise dairy and pigs but still. . . . that is a lot of animals for a 1st year shower to take to the fair - translation - a lot of work for Mom and Dad. At least I convinced her that she shouldn't show rabbits and chickens. . . .
I did spend some time online looking at seed catalogs - getting ready for gardening season. Last year I started some plants from seed, without success, but this year I joined childreninthecorn's take 5 gardening group - and am going to give it another go. Now it if would just warm up a little, life would be great.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Baking & Sewing
Of course, by that time Todd was home and we had to try it right away. I baked it a little too long, but I'll know next time to watch it better. Yummy, yummy. It's an easy recipe that I could work on dishes from dinner, sewing or kids homework while it was rising and baking.
I also made sure these 2 table runners were ready to go for my Mom. We've had these patterns for years, I just had never gotten to them. She is going to do the handsewing on the binding - that has to be my least favorite part of quilting:
I love making table runners - they are so quick!! And if you don't like the colors when you are done, you aren't out a whole lot of supplies, like you would be on a quilt top.
I also started to cut out Tyler's firetruck quilt. Hopefully it will go together easy - he is anxious to have a new quilt on his bed
It's still freezing cold here, but it's up in the 20's at least during the day. I feel bad for Todd's hunting dogs, out in the cold, but I really don't want 3 dogs running wild through my house - so they get extra straw on these cold nights in their houses.
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
January 22, 2008
Jessie is into riding horses big time. . . .
Well, my parents had a brief vision of raising Paint horses, but when the bottom fell out of the market (so to speak) they were left with a cute yearling mare:
Who is maybe(?) going to come to our house to be Jessie’s future horse. I know, I am insane for thinking young horse, very young rider . . .but the thing is, Shamy will not be around for forever to babysit her. And while Shamy has many wonderful traits and qualities (bomb proof really does come to mind), she is an extremely rough horse to ride in a western pleasure lope. So I’m thinking, that at 35, I could possibly put some time in on this young horse for a few years, let Jessie show Shamy walk-trot for a few years, and maybe, just maybe, this filly and Jessie will click eventually.
Hard to believe we have finally gotten a little bit of snow on the ground here. The cows aren’t minding it, the horses and dogs don’t mind, and the kids sure do love the snow.
I’ve been toying with a quilt pattern for Tyler’s bed, using this fabric:
and alternating 9 patch blocks from the solid fabrics with solid blocks out of the firetruck fabric. Todd is a volunteer firefighter, and Tyler is so into anything firetruck/firefighter related. Tyler keeps asking about "his quilt," having seen the flip flop one I did for Jessie, so I really ought to get working on it very quickly. I had hoped to keep it back for his April birthday, but that may not happen.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
January 17, 2008
I’ve had the top done for a few months now, but needed to decide on quilting it. I have always quilted "in the ditch" and for this one, broke out of my usual mode and did a meander pattern all over. I think I like the meander quilting - on this one it went very quick. It took me 2 nights to sew the binding on, as we were watching a mini-series on TV and I couldn’t do both at once.
Tyler had to go outside "hunting bunnies" right when we got home from work/daycare. Hunting is very big in our family - I always say it is the mad exodus to Pennsylvania the weekend after Thanksgiving when Todd, his father, brother, brother-in-law, and nephews pack up for 4 or 5 days and go. But, it puts meat on our table all winter, in addition to beef and pork, and helps to control the deer population. Tyler cannot wait until he is old enough to go but in the meantime, he pretends with his play gun. Of course, while he was tramping through the woods, he had bunnies running every which way (Todd lost count at 13). Why don’t they run like that when Todd and his friends actually take the dog out to hunt? Even at 4, Tyler is very conscientious about gun safety, and such a careful little person. But that is good for his future as a hunter, as gun safety is extremely important.
Jessie had cheerleading practice last night - the elementary school kids get to practice with the varsity squad for 4 nights, and then cheer at one of the Varsity basketball games. Such a klutz she is (she cannot walk and chew gum at the same time without tripping) but she so enjoys it. She is anxiously waiting for spring soccer to start up here in another 6 weeks. She has tried gymnastics, tball and soccer, and we think the soccer just might stick. Her favorite position is goalie, but since she can run, she gets put everywhere. She's #10.
I could really get into being a "soccer mom" - although I will never be able to drive a mini-van, as our driveway drifts too much in the winter with any amount of snow, and being a 1/4 mile long, we need 4 wheel drive, but I'll be the soccer mom in the Durango. Tyler also played, but he is young enough that it was more just running around for him.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day in bloggerland!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Everyday Things
Isn't my husband the greatest? Tyler and him spent one Sunday morning hauling rocks. All in all, they started Friday night, and we finished it up Sunday right after lunch with the mulch.
More flower pictures:
I don't have any pictures of my rather large garden . . . .weed patch . . . .veggies, but we are planning to be a little more organized this year. We are thinking what we want to plant, what we will actually use, and what we want to try. Apple trees and peach trees may make the cut this year - with 20 acres, we certainly have space for a few!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
History Lesson
I can still see my great grandmother's stencil marks on MOST of the blocks. She marked her quilt tops with every day pencils, and the markings are still there. Faint, to be sure, but you can quite clearly see the flower design she had planned to use.
Todd doesn't get too excited about my sewing projects, other than he will offer encouragement and help out when the going gets rough (like on the Raggedy Ann hair). But last night, he got a flashlight and we looked all over this quilt and you could see very faint markings in the borders (the pale yellow fabric helps the pencil blend in). Originally, I was going to just do some simple quilting designs (stitch in the ditch around the blocks) but now. . . .I am wondering if I shouldn't try to duplicate what she had started. Of course, this is leading on a search (perhaps fruitless) of what quilting motiff would it have been exactly, and how in the world do I go about duplicating it?
On the farm front, no babies yet. Our Christmas calf is getting playful. We've enjoyed several days this week in the mid 60's, now its back down to 30's.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! I know I will, because I will be home with my husband and kids. . .
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
First Addition to the Farm
This is only a small portion of our cows - they all did not want to group together. Currently we have 8 cows (of our own), 3 brittish whites of a friends, a registered Maine bull, and 4 yearling calves for replacement heifers or meat.
I have also been spending some time making bar soap and laundry soap. Yes, we live in the 21st century, but my daughter has horrible eczema, and all soaps (including Dreft and Tide Free and Clear) cause her to break out within hours with a bleeding, itchy rash. Amazingly enough, the only soaps that work are homemade, as we know exactly what goes into them - or doesn’t go into them (I can’t even use fragrance oils). So I’m back to pioneer days making laundry soap and bar soap. I must admit, the work is definitely worth it when you see her eczema clear up after just 2 baths/showers with the homemade soap!!
Isn’t life wonderful???
Monday, January 7, 2008
2008 Resolutions
I have come up with some "sewing goals" for 2008:
1. Do 12 quilted projects this year (whether they be quilts, pillows, table runners);
2. Not 1 quilt will be just plain squares (which I am guilty of as they are so quick);
3. Finish up all of my WIP’s from the last 10 years (since before kids);
4. Not buy too much more fabric, until I finish everything I have started (this may well be impossible, but I’ll try);
5. Attempt a photo quilt for my grandmother for next Christmas of all the family;
6. Find some way to organize my "stash".