Monday night Todd came home from work and picked a load of corn in the dark.
Tuesday night he came home and finished:

And we unloaded it into the corn crib using our hay elevator. Works for the most part.

Tyler had fun pushing the corn down. Gives me a start to see him climbing around in the wagon but....

The best part is, this should be enough to feed our animals for the next year (should easily last that long - last year we fed 11 full size head and 3 younger ones through the winter - this year we will be feeding 5 full size head and 5 younger ones).
Me - I'm just glad it's not me sitting out there on the tractor - it's 38 degrees right now.
That is a lot of corn and a lot of work! Those animals will be happy this winter with all that corn in their bellies.:)
38 degrees is a bit chilly, but I have to say I wouldn't mind climbing around in that wagon with Tyler, at least for a little while. He's got a lot more youthful energy then I do, no doubt! A lot of work, but hopefully you will all reap the rewards.
Hi Kris,
I admire ya'll for working so hard! 38 degrees and working not a lazy bone in ya'll:o)
Hope ur having a great wk.
P.S., Thanks for the suggestion! I just popped over to the tutorial. I think I can do it, following the steps one at a time. I'll start with something small. Have a GREAT day! :) Ana
I love to see a full corn crib. It just feels like everything will be ok. Congrats on the work!
Nice to see all that corn! Are you all ready for Winter?? We still need to get a little more hay and then we are set!
Brrrr. Better have a warm quilt and some cocoa ready for your man when he comes in.
brrr! it's chilly and gray here. i can feel the need for sunshine already. good to have the corn up and ready for winter! that's a big job.
glad you're going to have enough grain for the year kris. you gotta envy you farmers for the hard work. i wouldn't want to be out there in this weather either. bless your hubby's heart. take care.
Glad you got your harvest in. Don't worry too much about your son climbing in the wagon. I helped empty MANY wagons of grain in my youth and I'm okay... well, I guess that's probably debatable.
That is a lot of work. I know you are glad you weren't out in that weather too.
My Nanny always said she felt so rich when the corn crib was full,,,she was ready for the "hard season"
I love it when you take me back to "the farm"
Glad to see that you are just about ready for winter. I don't envy all of you working in that cold mind.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Wow! That corn looks amazing! Is it for animal feed?? I guess it's not sweetcorn then? The only corn we ever grow here is sweetcorn for people to eat :-D
Ruth xx
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