I got 4 pairs of pj pants finished up. I had to go get more elastic for the waist on all of them. The pictures are pre-elastic though. Hopefully they will fit. Wouldn't that be a bummer????? I'm now thinking each kid needs more than 2 pairs of these.

And I made another ornament. These are so easy and fun ....and QUICK!

And I got 1 quilt top basted after the kids went to bed (Jessie's tulip sheet lap quilt).
I'm getting there......slowly.....
WOW! You've been busy and making great progress. YEAH! The PJ pants look comfy. And you can never have too many, can you? Keep on rockin' it. :)
Well done...but nothing looks like it will fit me!
Good for you starting early...I am midway throuhg Dec before I do much. Fortunately my wife handles the important stuff!
You put me to shame, my friend. I haven't even started on christmas stuff yet!!!
Great pajama pants! I really need to get started on my Christmas presents...you are completely putting me to shame!:)
don't you just hate that you can't show your cute gifts you've made. I can't wait to see them.
you are a sewing machine (oooh, i crack myself up!) i'm usually done early too, but i'm terribly behind this year.
boy, you have been going great guns!!! all that and an ornament, too?? I love that little thing, how cute, and quick, too?
Gosh - what amazing progress you are making!! PJ's are great gifts.
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