Despite having to work 10 hours on Saturday, a donkey party at my in-laws, church, and dinner at my in-laws to see a friend we haven't seen in probably 11 years, I did get the tree skirt top done:

And I cooked yesterday. I made a pot roast (complete with carrots, onions and potatoes for dinner). While I was at it, I boiled 2 ham hocks, figuring I'd use the meat and broth to make ham and bean soup for 1 nights meal this week. And I made meatloaf that I was planning to bake halfway so we could have that for dinner.
Then my FIL called that a good friend had stopped in, he's in the Air Force, and getting his orders to get shipped overseas today. So we litterally dropped everything and went down to see him for a few hours. He was in Iraq in the mid-1990's the first time around, and then he was overseas just a few years ago - I didn't catch all the details about why he is going back - but I know I will be putting him on the prayer list at our church and hoping he stays safe until he comes home again.
It was interesting to hear his observations and opinions as having been over there time and time again - hearing the stories of the people they help, see and meet every day. I think it's changed my view a little on the war and what needs to be done.
So I will finish cooking all my food tonight (after finishing the roast and eating it for dinner) and I will be set for a few days, at least.
Sounds like your recipes are coming from the "fall cookbook" now! Excellent! I don't like much about fall and winter but I love the hearty food we tend to eat! I can smell it from here!
Hi Kris,
So nice of ya'll to support your Friend! i'll be praying for him!
What a busy wk.end ya'll had. Your meals sounds great and what a Beautiful project you have there!
Have a great day!
Man, I just don't see how you have the energy to do it all. So sad that your friend is leaving. I love the quilt top.
The tree skirt top is beautiful. And you finished it so quickly! Glad, too, you enjoyed a good, if busy, weekend with family and friends. My mouth is watering just thinking about that pot roast, meatloaf and ham & bean soup. Comfort foods perfect for Fall. Your friend as well as all the men & women in the Armed Forces know our thoughts, prayers, and hope for a safe mission, safe return.
Beautiful kris! Your friend will be in my thoughts, as are all the soldiers....always.
Donkey Party? The mind boggles!
Yes the Irag/Afghanistan situation is quite complex.
Your tree skirt is lovely. This weekend I took my boys and we helped sort and package things for operation give. Hope some of the goodies we put together make it to your friend. A thank you for all he is doing.
You have been busy! I love the tree skirt, and you are right, the geese go together pretty quickly using that method! I like how the background of yours is in color.
I love the wild goose chase,,,can't wait to see the finish line on that one.
and,,,ahem,,,hope nobody made an ass of themselves at the Donkey party....
(sorry, you know it had to be said) tee hee
Love the tree skirt! You sound as busy as ever...
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