My garden is totally planted! It may never look this nice again.
32 roma tomato plants, 12 hillbilly tomato plants, 4 pepper plants (so far), 3 cherry tomato plants, 2 crook neck yellow squash plants, zuccinni, pumpkins, sweet corn, green beans, beets and 50 sweet onions.
And I have 3 new flower beds. But only 2 are mine to take care of. A few years ago we saw a flower bed with field corn, soybeans and wheat in it. And Tyler wanted to do this. So we yanked out a bush and 3 gigantic hostas, and Tyler and Todd planted field corn and soybeans in it. Here in a few months we will plant some wheat, and he can do this again next year.
I spent all day yesterday digging flowers, moving flowers, weeding.....my SIL and MIL came up and took truckloads of flowers. Some of my flower beds I have had for 5 or 6 years and things were getting rather large. And I was threatening to roundup everything and start over, which they couldn't bear to see happen. Of course, when we moved the hostas, my SIL was there. This is from 4 hosta, and she took home just as much with her if not more. So you get the idea on how large they were.
Last year I had my herbs out in the garden, but when we tilled the garden up for the winter, the herbs got tilled up too. I still have to get a few more plants.
The ponds are still not finished - hopefully this evening we can get them finished. I am anxious to get mulch spread around and be done for the most part.....
Not the song I recognize but.....
We are gearing up for the end of the year. I'm madly working on teacher quilts - I stopped yesterday on my way home to get some flat sheets to back them in - much cheaper than fabric and should look just as nice. Hopefully I'll have some finished pictures to show shortly......
Have a great day!
Tonight I am going to a flower and vegetable garden about 5 miles from our house - Todd told me to buy something for my mother and his mother for Mother's day, and while I'm there get a few things for your new flowerbed. So I'm sure I'll come up with a few things. Which I had better empty out the back of the Durango so I have plenty of room.
Have a terrific Monday everyone!
Then I have been trying to spend an hour (or more) in the evenings playing in my flower beds. Nothing as intensive as what my Mom is doing to her flower beds at the moment but.....the dandelions are not my friends this year. At least the chickens like them:)
Last night I thought Midnight had the right idea:
So I sat on my swing for 10 minutes and saw this:
While the kids were playing something on the trampoline. I don't know what EXACTLY they were playing, other than it involved a hose and lots of yelling "Pull him up NOW". Ok then.
And I was off and running to make sure chores were done, baths were taken and the kids were ready for bed at 8:00:). Which I then realized as I was starting to fill feed buckets that I had ALREADY fed the steers (or rather, I had helped Jessie feed them when she was done washing and drying Oreo). Duh.....
Have a great day!
The local produce market starts up this Friday - I think I'm going to see what I can find. Maybe some flowers, maybe some early veggies......we'll see what comes home with me.
So the gords came down, we put bluebird houses up last night, and hopefully the swallows will relocate!
And Tyler and Jessie were able to walk their heifers this weekend - this is Tyler and Mittens.
Have a great day!