But with good reason.....
This past weekend was our local firefighter's festival. It started with the parade Friday night and moved onto a kiddie tractor pull, games and fireworks Saturday night.
The kids had every intention of riding on the ladder truck from CFD where Todd is a volunteer, however, when you are called out on a house fire 3 hours before the parade starts, that sort of nixes that idea.

But the kids and I had fun at the parade. Lots of candy was caught. The entire parade was about a mile long. Lots and lots of firetrucks (from 6 different departments - all volunteer) all blowing their sirens, horns and who knows what else.
I thought for a while there I would need new eardrums, but they have sufficiently recovered.

Saturday morning found me out in the garden at 7:00 in the morning. With temperatures in the 90's, I needed to get out there and do it early. I was out there until about 9:30 - 10:00. But I can now see my tomatoes. We had to replant the green beans, beets and squash - either the weeds/grass or the torrential rains we've been having did them in. No pictures of my garden yet - I still have the peppers to weed:)
Saturday night we went up to the fireworks. Todd's pager goes off - house fire in a neighboring town calling for LOTS of help. His fire chief calls - can you go direct to the fire - they need help bad. So we head back to our house in my truck so that Todd can get his truck with lights and sirens and his fire gear. Let's put it this way - we thought my truck had something in the fuel line - it keeps hesitating and racing every once in a while. As fast as he went to get back to our house - all the carbon is blown clean out of the engine. Todd got his truck and his gear, and the kids and I turned around and headed back to the fireworks, eat ice cream and meet back up with friends. Since Mr. Lactose Intolerance was not with us - we each had the biggest cones we could get.
Off to work and to catch up later today on everyone's lives! Have a great day