And wouldn't you believe - I should pay attention to the directions better. I cut my center squares the wrong size, which made the outer squares not fit right when I went to put them together.
Rather than start over, I added a border in the center. Who knows how far off the pattern I will have to go to get all my pieces to line up.
Looking at it now, the light fabric was probably not the best choice for the border but.....it's on and I am not ripping it apart.
And yes that is just a sneak peak of it. I'll show more after tonight if I get the top entirely done. It's raining cats and dogs here, so that should not be a problem.
Have a great day
The quilt blocks looks nice. I have done that so many times cutting the wrong size...good thing you noticed. And it is so nice to ask hubby to look at the kids while you can sew.
I think it's looking good, Kris. Forge ahead!
And I like a woman who knows when to shut out the distractions, let the hubby take care of the kids. For all you do, you most certainly deserve your sewing time!
Here's to clear skies headed your way!
Ana :)
Rain! That's a good time to stay indoors and sew.
I like how your quilt blocks are coming together! And, I think I have some of that same fabric! From Moda Bakeshop???
Your post made me lol I have been having much the same problem with the Panda Quilt Along from AJ's blog! Its all down to my seeming inablity to follow instructions!:)
I like the bit you have allowed us a glimpse of, will be watching avidly for the unveiling!
Glad you were able to get some quilting done. Can't wait to see it when it's all done. I know it's going to be pretty seeing the little glimpse you gave us.
Ahhhhh, time for yourself. And it looks like it is going to be another beautiful quilt.
Have a great day.
Great start! I'm so the same way, if I make a mistake in my stitching, I just forget it or make further changes to accommodate my mistake! LOL Oh well, its a hobby and it should bring us peace not frustration!
I think it looks great so far Kris! And I suspect each of us has done that same thing at least once...LOL Probably more. Hurray for getting to sew. Even the rain is good! Hugs, Finn
It'll probably be great in the end. Happy accidents make the most interesting quilts.
Well what I see in the photo looks fine! I have done the samething! I get in a hurry or sidetracked and mess up! Can't wait to see the finished top!
I hate when I make a wrong cut! I love the fabrics!
oh, i bet it will look great anyway. i love those colors.
It is looking great! The best things happen when you alter a pattern and make it your own.
Love that you made it work! But what fabric is that? I love it!
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