It has been such a busy 2 days. Where has the time gone?
Monday I spent the day outside - mowing the yard, working in my flower beds, doing chores. When I picked Tyler up from school - I took his bike and my bike (that I just got on Sunday) and we went for a 2 mile bike ride in West Salem. After 28 years, I still know how to ride a bike (but boy, were parts of me sore). Then we came home and flew kites in the massive winds we have been having every afternoon.

Yesterday was a field trip with Jessie's class to the OARDC (part of OSU campus in Wooster, Ohio) - where she ATE BUGS. Yes, my darling girly girl ate 5 different bugs. Guess she is not the girly girl I have always thought her to be. Actually, most of the kids ate the bugs and declared them yummy - except for a very small handful. Mom, of course, was grossed out beyond belief. It was educational (?) but my gag reflex really put me to the test yesterday. I wasn't going to go, but I got a call last week - since she is still in a wheelchair, she couldn't go on the field trip unless I took her.
chirppy cookies (grasshoppers I'm thinking)

chocolate covered something or other
cheddar cheese flavored meal worms.
It was interesting (when I wasn't gagging that is). They also had a science demo - where he showed them how to
properly T.P. a house - you use a leaf blower with a paint roller handle stuck down inside it - and then put the roll of toilet paper on the pain roller and let it rip. I think the kids were more impressed with catching the toilet paper than in figuring out how to T.P. a house -
thank goodness. Although as Todd said, using a leaf blower is a sure way to get caught when you turn it on.

Of course, I had to send Tyler to his babysitters and had to bribe him to do so (if you are good at school and at Erin's - we will go get ice cream when I pick you up). So we picked him up at the babysitters and walked/pushed Jessie the 2 blocks to the IGA. Works like a charm every time. And I
needed a chocolate fix after seeing these kids inhale bugs.
And then Tyler had soccer practice last night. After soccer practice, another mother had a meeting and her 2 kids are a year older than each of mine - so daringly I said - I'll take them home with me, feed them, let the 4 of them play. . . . oh. my. gosh. The boys were like wild indians - running and chasing each other in and out of the house.
Today was more of the same - yardwork, housework (which I am sadly neglecting because it has been so nice). I think I figured out why the lawn mower keeps quiting on me every 20 minutes or so (helps when it has oil in it:)).
And. . .we did figure out the sex on our last calf - it's a girl. We still can't get near her, but saw her going to the bathroom on Sunday. So that helps.
Boys 5 - Girls - 1.
Tonight, I want to get another quilt started - that I can put in the Durango and pull out at soccer practice, soccer games or wherever to sit on. Nothing fancy, just use up some scraps and make something.
Hope everyone's days are sunny!!