After yesterday, today was a piece of cake.
Last night while Tyler had soccer, there were 3 little girls (two 2nd graders and a 3rd grader) who had homework. Tyler had soccer from 5-6 and then Jessie had Girl Scouts from 6:30 to 8. And when was homework going to get done?

Sorry for the blurry photo - I had to take this with my cell phone!!
Why at the soccer practice of course!!! One mom had the card table, I had an extra folding chair, and they sat in the sunshine (65 degrees) and did their homework. It felt like a tailgating party, as we all had brought food for the girls since they were on the go all evening (believe me, nothing fancy - just sandwiches and cut up veggies). The other 2 girls had soccer practice from 3:30 to 5, and their younger brothers play on Tyler's team. Next week we are doing dinner at practice (something easy, like sandwiches and salad).
Tonight will be a quiet night - after yesterday, we need some down time.
My seeds are doing well - I'm just waiting (not so patiently) for the peppers to sprout. But my lettuce seeds did sprout so we will be swimming in salads this summer.
Today while Tyler was at school, I worked on basting this quilt. I brought the fabric on clearance right before I lost my job, so I might as well finish up the projects that I have everything for them, before buying something new.
I had a promissing interview at the local bank yesterday - and have another one at a local church for next week (I know I said I didn't really want an office job - but apparently I am over qualified for a night shift position anywhere - or so they keep saying). The worst is the waiting, but I am oh so thankful for my family, friends and the blessings we have.
Oh, and we still don't know if calf #6 is a boy or a girl - Mama cow tried to eat Todd's lunch last night when he went in to check - he's thinking it's a girl because she is so dainty and this bull throws really, really thick calves, but we are going to have to either wait until she calms down, or have some help over here and catch them at the right moment to know for sure.
Hope everyone has a blessed evening!!
What a great idea to bring a card table for the kids to do their homework outside. Sorry to hear you lost your job. Hopefully you'll find something soon. Good luck!
Praise the Lord for great weather! Wow, sounds like you guys had a busy evening and you handled it like a champ!
I pray the Lord shows you exactly where He wants you to be in regards to your job. He has the perfect one out there for you!
If you're having trouble getting the peppers to sprout, cover them with plasitc wrap and keep under the light. (and on a heat mat if you have one), they'll come up in no time!! :)
Some super smart moms to figure out that great way to get the homework done and catch some sunny rays at the same time! Amazing!
The seedlings are looking good also, not quite that time yet up here in WI.
Good for you for getting that older project basted. It'll be done and in use in no time *VBS*
Hugs, Finn
sounds like a great day!
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