Which hopefully will turn into a table topper for Easter when I get 2 more squares done....which will be tonight if I can keep things rolling along.
See ya,
Which hopefully will turn into a table topper for Easter when I get 2 more squares done....which will be tonight if I can keep things rolling along.
See ya,
last night we had a second calf on the ground - ANOTHER heifer.
We also finished up moving steers, heifers and everything else around, and Jessie's two steers are now ensconed where the horses used to be (and the horses are outside until September).
The horses do have a shed to get out of the weather, and here in a couple weeks they would quit coming in anyhow, so we just speeded the process up.
2 more calves to go at our house, 1 more at my brother-in-laws house, and we are DONE!
Have a great Friday!
Todd said just to leave them and finish it, no one will notice, but I would. At least all the little triangles are all sewn together, I just have to sew them to the RIGHT sides of each striped block.
Tonight we are finishing the hayloft, and working with Jessie's steer and heifer. And Tyler's heifer as he has said he'd like to show her too here in a month.......
Or these:
Or this, which looks suspiciously like a set of sheets that my sister and I had growing up (the one on the right), which is why I brought them at Goodwill for on Jessie’s bed…….
Since one of her sets of sheets was looking like this:
Jessie bedded up the steers while I dumped their feed in and they ate.
Aly and Mittens (Aly is Jessie's and Mittens is Tylers) were waiting on me to feed them:
The cows were pigging out on hay - no babies yet - hopefully today there will be one:
And the chickens were just being themselves last night:
I tried to take a picture of the horses, but it was too dark.
I didn't get any sewing done last night - the late night the night before caught up with me, and I was asleep by 9 or so. Good thing the kids were in bed by 8:15!
And (and you all will LOVE this one!).....Todd took the baby quilt into the fire department. Well Earl (proud daddy) being excited and all promptly opened it and got so excited, he had to show the quilt to everyone, call his wife and make her bring the baby down to the department to see it....one of the other preggo mothers happened to have stopped by to drop her hubby off....and not knowing who made the quilt made the comment.....I really hope no one makes us a quilt for the baby......that's just too old fashioned for my taste....
Todd says we aren't under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES making their baby a quilt. I don't know....I think I'd like to make her one like Jacquie makes - they certainly aren't old fashioned!?!?!
But, with 59 degrees and sun yesterday, who wants to be inside!?!?!
So I cleaned out my pond, picked up sticks out of the yard and then we worked on building this:
The first barn we put up shortly after moving here....we never put a hay loft up. So hay has been stacked on the floor EVERYWHERE. With Jessie's 4-H projects starting to move ahead full steam, we need a place where she can work them inside out of the wind, rain, excessive sun.....so we are going to put this hay loft up in front of the horse stalls, clean out this barn and then we can set up lights and grooming chutes in here. The horses were not thrilled coming in last night with this in front of their stalls......let's just say they don't like ANY changes to their little world.
Now if it would just dry out and green up.....we'd be in full swing around here!
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you Nikki!
The details of blogs chosen for this award:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kindbloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interestedin self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbonsof these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this awardto eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include thiscleverly-written text into the body of their award."!
I will pass it on to:
Gina, Kristie, Ana, Angie, Amy, Janice, Judy
Thank you Angie!!:
"This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day. Now, I invite you all to stop over and give Angie some love, today especially.
The rules to follow are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment.
I'm going to pass this on to:
Nikki, Gill, Lib, Carol, and Patty
And Thank You Janice!:
I'm passing this one on to:
Warren, Arizona, Audrey, Ana and Carol.
And this one I'm sending out to:
Mel, Lisa, Gizmo, and Rene
Thank you Carol and Mel!
I'm sending this one out to:
Millie, Miriam, Dawn, Em, Lisa and Sarah and Valerie.
I'm sure there is someone I am forgetting - and I apologize if I have forgotten someone! If you visit regularly or I visit you regularly, please feel free to take one!
A wool penny rug table mat that I made oh.......10 years ago maybe?