Baby quilt #1 is done and delivered - have yet to hear if they liked it or not - I asked Todd if Matt opened it at the firehouse - nope he took it home cause his wife would kill him. Ok then.
So I start in on baby quilt #2 - and am not getting ANYWHERE with it. Pulled it out of my stash last week - not very big - all I had was the center section done. I still have several yards of several of the firetruck prints, start putting a border on from one of the prints. It just didn't look right - too busy. So my seam ripper and I became good friends. Found the plain red - which I believe is leftover from Tyler's quilt. Much better. I think I have enough of the red, so I make the borders extra wide (I like baby blankets and quilts to be BIG - so nothing tiny comes out of this house! - this quilt is going to be about 51 x 58 when done).
Oops - I am out of red for the backing. And I don't have enough of the firetruck fabrics to back it in one of them. And I'm loath to use all of my firetruck fabrics as I'm in the midst of making a whirlygiggle bed quilt for Tyler out of the firetrucks.

So I cut the batting - and hopefully either tomorrow or Thursday I'll get to either the quilt shop near where I work or a JoAnn fabrics somewhere to buy something for the back. This baby's father is a firefighter and a cop - maybe I can find some yardage of policeman fabric to put on the back????
The fire department is burning down a house on Saturday - for practice. My hope is to have it done by then so Todd can take it with him. If not, it will get to fire practice next Tuesday.
Wonder what else I can get done tonight since my plans to finish this one have been shot all to heck?
Have a great evening!
I love a house burning! They used to do that where I grew up...amazing to watch!
I hate it when that happens. I cannever think of what else to do with my time
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I love that you said your quilts are always huge because I have the same problem. lol! The quilt I'm working on for Luke was supposed to be a lot smaller than it is. How do the quilts take over like that???? LOL!
I love your current baby quilt. I'm sure you'll find a suitable fabric for the backing. Good luck!
Policeman fabric would tie it all together so well, Kris. Hope you have good luck finding fabric you like to finish and have another quilt down, despite the few hiccups this one gave you along the way!
It used to drive me crazy when my husband would come home and tell me someone had a baby and when I asked him what they named him/her he said, "I don't know. They probably said, but I didn't pay attention." ARGHHH.
I just hate when that happens! Good luck getting it done! Can't wait to see what you back it with.
My quilts usually grow in size too. I don't know why... I have never seen a house burning on purpose. I bet that is kinda neat.
I am a border and backing nut. Three or four quilt tops lurk in my closet for lack of borders and backing. Maybe if I planned ahead better?
Anyway I love the baby quilt so far! And I think you are so sweet to make these as gifts. Lucky new babies and mommies.
Posessed or not, the quilt really looks great. Another lucky mom to be.
Have a great day.
oh, i hate it when a project does not go as planned. i bet you will find something great for it. you are so generous.
and yes, the mailman did bring sheets, well pillowcases really. vintage sheets do not exist near me! i had to order some from etsy.
It may not be going as planned, but sometimes the most interesting and best quilts come from that dilemma. Here's to happy accidents!
ah...the snarky seam ripper! sorry about that, but i'll bet good things come of it.
I really like the quilt even though it isn't quite turning out like you want. I know it's going to end up perfect.
Everytime I see your main picture of your daughter washing her calf, it brings a smile to my face. She is so determined to get him cleaned.
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