Not a whole lot going on here.....
we've been working with Oreo every single night. The kids enjoy running the blower on him.....

And here is one way to get your cat to sleep with you:

I went in to put Tyler's easter webkinz in his bed with him (he had lost it and I found it in our bed) and as I put it down on his pillow (so he wouldn't maybe knock it out of bed), the cat screeched at me. I guess when you are pinned down by a little boy and another hand lands on you - it could be considered kinda scary:). Yes, I did quick turn Tyler's light on to take this picture, but he sleeps through anything....
No sewing has been happening, just cooking, working and trying to avoid the mud and rain. It's been raining pretty much nonstop since Monday morning......although, I do need to get my hiney in gear after this weekend - I have 3 teacher quilts to finish up by the middle of May.....
Have a great day!
oh you mean mummy you! LOL
julie :)
Good luck on getting the teacher's quilts done. 3 spoil those teachers, but they will appreciate all your handwork.
Wow...3 teacher quilts...are they full sized? That's so very nice of you...more than nice!
oh my. that picture is so funny! i can't believe he did not wake up!
Great picture. It's got me laughing. Good luck with the quilts. I know you can do it. It's amazing what a deadline will do.
I've no doubt you'll get those three quilts in with time to spare. You're a good parent to care so much about your children's education to acknowledge their teachers and the work that goes into each school day. I know they must appreciate it, too!
April showers bring May flowers? Here's to dust and green grass soon. In the meantime, I'll loan you some pine pollen if you'd like?! :)
Happy Wednesday!
Ana :)
WOW, 3 teacher's quilts. You are going to be busy. Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Love the pic of Tyler and his cat - so cute!
Cute picture! I bet that got your attention.
Cute post! I love the photos. And may I say, as a fellow farmgirl, that I recognized your opening? When there's "not a whole lot going on" you might just be blow drying cattle! ;)
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