bales we will unload tonight or tomorrow night:
15 acres to go - but that hay is not ours. The guy we "rent" the field off of, we get first cutting, he gets 2nd cutting, we get 3rd, and we bale it (he has kids to unload it).
My finish #5 is just about done - I just may get it done this afternoon when I get home. Hopefully.
PS - and to my winners - I'll be contacting all of you within the next couple days - I can't email you from work with my home email, so I have to do it from home, but we've been so busy...
See ya,
look at that nice butt!
Thank you to Lyn, Lib and Arizona for this wonderful award! And I pick..... wait, does that mean I get to pick more than 7 since I received this from all 3 of you? While I can certainly think of that many, here's as many as I can do:
Angie, Amanda Jean, Katie, Jacquie, Spoonful of Sugar, AJ Quilts, Kristie, Crazy for Primitive Quilts, Amy, Lynsey, Gina
And really, anyone who has ever commented on this little old blog is SO deserving of this reward - you all have made my day! I do go and read each of your blogs, and enjoy ALL of them. I've loved having a whole new circle of friends here in cyberspace.
Lib; and
I have so appreciated everyone's comments over the months I've been blogging! And since I am now settling back into a more relaxed life style (read kids camp, weekend working, and girl scouts are done) - I'll be making something special for each of you. I'll be contacting each of you via email - or you can send me an email (tkjtbair at verizon dot net) with your address and any color preferences you may have.
P.S. Unfortunately, the 30's pinwheels will probably not be one of my 5 in July - but it is getting closer to being done. I have another project in the works for my 5 by the end of July - and it's fitting for a patriotic couple of months.....more later on that though.....
See ya,
Tyler is in the green tshirt - Jessie in the pink tank top.
Of course, by the time I got home from dropping all the girls off, it was 4:30 usually, and we had to leave for VBS by 5:30 - so dinner was a LOT on the fly. For myself, I forget what dinner tastes like....maybe tonight.
(Asphalt grindings from a recent-road-resurfacing- around-the-corner-dirt-cheap-turned-into-barn-flooring to prevent a pond in the barn when it rains).
Into this:
Which we will stack our roundbales on once it is packed down (eventually the whole barn floor will be like this - no more mud).
And we finally got calves weaned, which I will post about later. And I worked out in my garden, and we had friends and Grandparents over for dinner both nights. But that has been it for the weekend.
And of course, it was so stinking hot, we had to do this as well:
Patchwork Block of the Month
Every year, we get a little bit of a break in farm activities - which is always nice.
Our corn is growing:
The calves are growing:
Hay is made:
The garden looks decent (note - I did NOT say my garden looks wonderful - I need to get out there and control the grass in some spots):
But, we are at the point where we can take a little breather.
Of course, straw will be ready to bale in the next couple of weeks, and probably our second cutting of hay will be ready at the same time.
On the game plan for this week:
*wean calves
*get a few cows ready to ship to auction (we are upgrading our herd in anticipation of the kids showing steers at our County Fair)
*garden, garden, garden
*AND try to avoid the rain!! Last night coming home from Jessie's physical therapy, we were deluged with a horrific lightning storm/rain combo. Bad enough that even I pulled off the road to wait it out. 1 inch of rain in 45 minutes. No power for most of the evening so we enjoyed a nice, QUIET evening.
That's about it 'round here.