Friday, July 11, 2008


Now it's time for a little rambling ranting:

What a crazy week. Between these insane rain showers that dump an inch of rain in 45 minutes, and then send the temp. back up to the high 80's, and our idiotic neighbor who actually sued us for keeping our cows and baling hay - if I could say "chuck it all and move to the city, I would."

But then we wouldn't have these (which sure do taste yummy in our freezer - and we are the only ones of our friends who can truthfully say we eat steaks once or twice a week for most of the year):

So we deal with the neighbor (who isn't actually a neighbor, but he is 3 properties away from ours - I think he needs meds - heck, there are days I KNOW I need meds myself) by going to our attorney, getting every other lot owner in our allotment to sign an Affidavit saying our cows and our farming are not obnoxious and offensive, and pulling out all our tax returns to prove that we are not farming commercialy, this is not our main source of income (or even a second or third source of income), pulling our property's zoning ordinance that shows that we are zoned in an Agricultural District (and are thus exempt from stupid restrictions), and we claimed he just filed a nuisance lawsuit, and with any luck, his attorney will convince him next week to back down and life will be good as we know and love it.

Just to give you an idea of how ignorant he is - all of our cows are beef cows - he also alleges in his Complaint that we are selling the milk we get off of our DAIRY COWS privately to individuals for human consumption.

Note to self: Never, ever, ever again buy a 20 acre lot in an allotment where there are very unclear and vague restrictions governing said lots, one of which is "no swine or poultry shall be harbored on said lots, nor any other commercial operation that becomes obnoxious or offensive to residential use." I certainly did not buying 20 acres to look at weeds and spend every day on a lawn mower. Unfortunately for us, this neighbor thinks these restrictions are gospel.

Fortunately for us, our neighbors who are actually adjacent to us love our cows, love us, and love to see Todd and Tyler out there on the tractor baling hay. Our neighbors must not be able to hear the cows and calves bawling when it is weaning time:)

And you can bet your butt those stupid restrictions are being changed as we speak, as we only need 2/3 of the lot owners to agree to change them, and we have 21 out of 22 lot owners agreeing to change them (and you can guess who the one is that doesn't want them changed!!)

No sewing has been done since earlier in the week - but I'm hoping to pull my 4th finish for July out of my hat by Sunday night!! We'll see how successful I am. And I do have a package to mail off to a dear friend, hopefully I will get it in the mail tomorrow-I am the loser now!!

And you're seeing the daylillies because they have just started to bloom, and I love the colors!

1 comment:

Lib said...

Amazing how one bad apple can ruin the neighborhood huh?
Praying things will work out for ya'll .