Hard to believe it is July already. No sewing has gone on much at all this week (I've done bits and pieces here and there - working on quilting 1 of my quilts a little at a time) - but the weather here has been gorgeous - until today that is. Steady, drizzly rain ALL DAY LONG.
Earlier this week I decided to ride both horses (yes, both of them) one night. Then I was feeling a little sore here .... but it reminded me of how much I enjoy riding. Our 1 horse is still fairly green - I just haven't had the time to put into her, and I haven't been on her since last fall. But she was so fun - she is so calm and relaxed, although she is HUGE (16+ hands or so). My old show horse, Shamy, who is Jessie's walk-trot horse for 4-h next year was good too - and I haven't been on her in 2 years - the kids rode her a lot last year, but I never climbed on her.
The chicks continue to amaze me! They are really looking scruffy right now - with parts of their feathers coming in, but oh how cute they are!
The garden is growing by leaps and bounds, and so are the weeds. Todd and I spent about an hour the other night weeding the rhubarb and strawberries. This weekend we are hoping to get the tomatoes and peppers mulched really, really good with straw. I didn't get out there with the tomato cages in time.
This weekend we are also putting in another pond. Yes, another one. I currently have 15 fish in my little pond and I am having a heck of a time keeping the water clear (I should only have 5 or 6 in there). So today I went and brought another liner, and hopefully this weekend Todd will get the neighbors backhoe and dig it for me. We are doing this one a little differently - and putting a bog filter in it to help with the green water, in addition to a biological filter. Of course, I will have to buy more plants for it once we have it in the ground - hehe.
And this is what I've been working on today - I just need to put the binding on and I am done with my 2nd finish. Hopefully finish #3 (my fruit and veggie picnic quilt), will be done by Saturday. This was my first pieced back, and I love it. This one will hang in Jessie's room (or probably more accurately, lay on her floor if she uses it at all).
Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July!!!!!
Jessies quilt looks great - o pink and girly! I can't believe how quickly your little chicks have grown. Have a great 4th of July
Love the pink quilt...it's so, well, pink! Love the back too...I think pieced backs are just great. A little surprise. Have a great 4th.
Happy 4th to you!! I just love that pink quilt :)
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