Monday, July 21, 2008

And then there were 24

The hatchery where I get my chicks from - Meyer Hatchery - they are AWESOME!!

I got there today after work, and one of the hens I had ordered had a reaction to the Marecks vaccine, so they gave me a replacement chick (an Ameraucana) and didn't charge me for it, and then I got 25% off of any supplies I need (Todd asked me why I didn't get a crested hen as that is what I have been campaigning for, with limited success - but honestly, I didn't even think about getting one).

So I got a crate to put the babies in:

And a 4 gallon water font for the bigger chickies:

And our bigger chickies have been escaping to have the run of the whole buckeye barn - no wonder when they like to do the high wire act:

I think it's time for them to go outside some....

Well, I'm off to get dinner and try to do some sewing.

See ya,



Patty said...

I found you while looking around “crazy mom quilts” quilt a long links and wanted to say I love the chickens you are making for your table runner. Where did you find the pattern?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the newadditions to the farm! (ps-don't forget the grit!!;)

Lib said...

Congrats on the new babies:o)
Hope youre having a Great wk.

Granny Lyn said...

Check out those chicks!!!

tee hee,

they are looking good!! And you can't beat 25% off on the other things, wow,

Anonymous said...

Baby chicks are so cute! Congrats on your recent batch.