Then, I spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday processing all this food:
these will be used for rhubarb pudding
10 quarts of strawberries that I washed, cored and bagged for freezing -
I ended up with 5 quart sized bags stuffed completely full. Along with a
few quarts that got aten by the munchkins

I ended up with 5 quart sized bags stuffed completely full. Along with a
few quarts that got aten by the munchkins
No sewing got done, no riding horses, no nothing. I worked in the yard (I had a day Sunday with no kids - Jessie went to a graduation party in Ashtabula with her grandparents for the day and Tyler went farming with Todd), worked in my flowerbeds, worked in the garden and spent about an hour just swinging in the shade.
And we have discovered a new fun past-time - give the baby chicks a couple worms and watch them chase each other around. That was good for about 20 minutes of laughs.
Looks like you've been very busy!
Hope you're having a great wk.
Oh girl, I feel your pain. I'm currently buried under pounds of strawberries and cherries. Mulberries and raspberries are starting to come in too. AHHHH!!!! ;)
Gorgeous fruit! And lucky you to be able to put up so much.
Wow you have been busy!!! Your freezer much look very bountiful will all that produce.I never would have though to process rhubarb and then freeze it.
Throw me in that strawberry patch! looks so great! Yum! I am impressed!
Yummy! That is so cool you are eating local and you have an Amish garden that close to your house.
Oh, I have tomatoes coming out of my ears. I need to know what to do with them and how to do it. I will be looking forward to hearing from you. This is my first experience canning/jarring veggies and fruit so we are starting in elementary my dear!
Have a great week!
Our fruit is just now getting ready, our mulberry tree is of historical lore, and although the boughs are bending, they aren't ripe yet. Next week I will be swamped.
A day with no kids??? wow!
holy cow, you have been busy! i love all those fresh local goodies though! worth the work, I think!
All the fruit looks so wonderful...especially the rhubarb. I adore rhubarb!
hi kris- i see you on lots of the same blogs i visit so i thought i'd come over and visit you! i can't believe all that fruit! i have got to get on having a fruit harvest over here- i am jealous!
The food sounds wonderful and I wish I could have seen the chicks running around, sounds hilarious.
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