I wonder if I can do it???? Finish 5 quilts by the end of July. In looking at my to-do list, there should certainly be 5 projects that I could work on, but I’m having so much fun starting new stuff.
So here are my 5 (okay, 6) I really want to finish:
30’s pinwheel quilt
Log cabin Roosters
Jessie’s pink Log Cabin
Another Trail to Kansas Quilt for my Mom
Patchwork Block of the Month that the blocks were done oh….10 years ago or so...“Bricks” strip pieced quilt
All of these are in various stages of starting – some the pieces are cut out, some ½ of the blocks are done, and some I just need to sit down and put the very last border on the danged thing so I can baste it and quilt it.
And those are just lap quilts or bigger – we aren’t talking table runners that I have started yet:
“chickens” table topper (top is done – just need to get it basted and hand quilted)
Star table runner
Two pumpkin table runners
Another American Flag table runner – the one I did previously went to my Mom for Mother’s Day
“Scaredy Cat” wallhanging – I have the fabric for it, just haven’t started it.
We won’t even get into what I want to make.
Then I think – but if I knock of some of this list this summer, what in the world will I do this fall and winter when we can’t be outside??? Todd asks where will I find the time – and that is easy – I’ve been getting up with him at 5:00 to pack his lunch, rather than go back to bed for an hour and a half, I could certainly get some sewing done then, or when the kids are in bed I could work an hour or 2.
I weeded my garden last night - 2 hours - and I really need to stake my tomato plants!! Anyone have a preference - tomato cages or stakes? I can never get cages to go around my plants very well (maybe because I wait so long to put the cages out???).
The chicks are all alive and well. They are all so tiny, fuzzy and CUTE. Tyler was worried about them last night - he woke me up at midnight to ask me if he could go get them and bring them in the house cause it was cold - 52 degrees. At least he asked and didn't just go get them - so I did go out to check on them for him.
I'm going to my parent's house tonight - there is a circus in Medina that I want to take the kids to, and my Mom is getting more baby chicks - so we are going to take pictures of them for her to post on her blog.
Enjoy your days, everyone!!!
I want to know where you are going to find the time to do all this??
So glad you jumped in too! I've been wondering about those pinwheels of yours. Mine are sitting in my closet gathering dust! Making a list is a good idea...I need to think about my priorities a bit instead of flitting from one thing to another. ARRRG! No wonder I can't finish things.
does the 5 projects have to be quilts? I have been trying to make a purse for me, pj pants for my son. I stuffed fish for the shop and my son. Then there are the quilts I need to finish. :o)
Thank you for being so sweet. You are the best.
I'd love to have you join me and other quilters on my new quilt blog list! Please give me a link back if you join up. Kindly, Niki
Oh My, You will be Super Busy!
How sweet wanting to check on the chicks, guess it wasn't too sweet at midnight huh?lol
Have aBlessed wk.
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