And I have to come up with 5 reasons why my life is grand! Here goes:
- I have my family - Todd and I have been through good times, great times, rough times, bad times and have stuck it out and dug in for the long haul. I have the best 2 kids around who bring love, joy and understanding to our lives every single day. I have wonderful parents and siblings, in-laws, grandparents, etc.
- We both have JOBS! In this economy - that is a feat in itself I think some days. And both of our jobs are pretty much recession proof.
- We have our little slice of heaven - idiot neighbors aside. Complete with veggie gardens, animals, flower gardens, quiet, space, plenty of room to roam.....
- We have wonderful friends - who we connect with instantly and it doesn't matter if we last saw them 5 minutes ago or 5 months ago - the connection is there and will always be there. We have 1 couple - who it's like psychic waves or something - she called me the morning I found out I was pregnant with Tyler - before I even had the chance to call Todd because she felt something was going on (litterally, it was like 2 minutes after the test). Some day I'll have to scan a picture of their daughter and Jessie into the computer and post them here - it's freaky that these 2 girls - 12 years apart - look like they could be twins if they were the same age. This of course, leads to numerous jokes and questions among the 4 of us - and some wierd looks from others....
- I have my hobby that Todd enjoys supporting me with and seeing what I have made.
- We all have our health - Jessie's broken bones aside:) - hehe
- I am so blessed with this blogging community - to have met so many wonderful people.
Ok - that is 7 but really, I could go on and on.
And now, I will pass this on to:
Judy, Scrappy Quilter, Janice, Julie, Gina, Amy, Kristie, Katie .... honestly, I could go on and on and on here but I'm getting tired:)
Thank you Millie!!!!
I think that we posted our "Blessed" posts at the same time. Yours started with the word "Blessed" and mine ended with it. Aren't we so thankful? I loved reading your post.
What did happen with your neighbors?? I didn't see a post about what happened at your court date. I hope it was resolved in your favor!
Its always great to post the blessings in our lives...reminds us that things aren't always necessarily so gloomy! :)
What a lovely celebration of Valentine's Day, Kris, by understanding the many blessings that abound. And that you went beyond 5 without hesitation tells me though economic times may be dismal, the hope and dignity of humanity is alive and well.
Thank you for sharing. It's why I enjoy this time here with Quilted Simple, very much.
Ana :)
You are just so sweet. You need to see my thankful Sunday list before I seen this award. Congrats on the award.
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