Jessie's beloved heifer Alli is a pain in the you know what!

We couldn't catch her A.I. last year so we turned her out with the bull. In the past he has been used on first calf heifers with great success. And you want tiny calves for first calf heifers....
This spring, our first two David calves weighed in at 85+ pounds each. Needless to say, we were concerned. And Alli was getting as big as a house. We brought her in on Sunday, April 18th as we had a friend lined up to check on her during the day while we are at work, and the vet lined up on the chance we would need him. We aren't loosing this cow if we can help it. She ran for the pen - she would much rather be inside than out!
Tuesday morning I let Barlie out and heard "the moo." I walk over to Alli's pen, and there he was. A TINY little red bull calf. All our worrying was for nothing. She popped it out on her own. And her small birth weight father kicked in, and this calf only weighs 55 pounds if he is soaking wet.
Jessie had to run out their and see her bull calf. And she hatched the "plan of all plans!!"
Mommy, I'm showing Alli's calf at the fair this year as a feeder calf. And since he is sooo tiny, Alli and him are going to go in the barn next to Punx so that they can both eat very, very well and he can grow big and strong. And I can start working with him right away. Then I'm going to ask Jason to sell me his BEST bull calf from this year, and I'm going to have my two steers for next year. And Alli can go to the fair again and be shown, but not by me as she pushes me around. I'll get Dave to show her or Mason to show her. And she can repeat her Grand Champion shorthorn win if the judge likes her.
Of course, I had to tell Todd and Jason (our friend and her advisor) about this plan. Jason thought it was the PERFECT plan for a 10 year old......
I'm just thinking how much more work she is creating for both her AND myself! She would take the entire herd to the fair if we would let her.......
Congratulations on the new addition! He sure is a cutie.
Cute! I think it's amazing that she is so interested in showing her calves/heifers/whatever- and even more awesome that you let her! We have very little of that here...
Hope you get some time to knit though...;-D
Oh he's ADORABLE - and so is Alli. So I'd have to's the perfect plan for a 10 y/o. ;) Sure hope you're able to get it straightened out....without breaking your back, or being MORE exhausted from the Fair. ;)
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