Today Tyler turns 7. How can this be???

He's growing up so fast. He is almost as tall as his sister, and probably about 10 times stronger than her.

He has an eagle eye with his bb gun. He's graduated from shooting at empty pop cans to shooting at birds.

But he still likes to go to Grandma's house and hunt for easter eggs.

If it involves trucks, tractors, farm equipment or cows, he is all over it.

Happy birthday Tyler!
Wow, Happy Birthday Tyler!! Have a fun day doing all the things you love!! That cake looks so good, I'm sure you've had a few pieces!
Happy birthday to your son! What an amazing age 7 is.
Happy Birthday Tyler!
They do grow up to fast!
Our son just turned 30! "OUCH"lol
Have agreat wk.
Happy Birthday to Tyler!
Happy Birthday - 7 years old is a great time!
happy birthday tyler!
Happy Birthday Tyler! They grow up so fast.
Happy birthday, Tyler! I hope he had a wonderful day.:)
Wanted to send happy (belated) birtday wishes to Tyler. Hope he had a great birthday. They grow so fast, my youngest will turn 7 this winter and I can hardly believe it!
Happy Birthday Tyler!!! I hope you had a great one!
Happy Birthday, Dude! :) My youngest is about to turn 7 too. Oh, they just grow up too darn fast! :(
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