A party dress! The fabric was a pain in the &*%(#)&% to sew - it frayed all over creation. I didn't get the cute little sash with the bow on it - that will be for December 21st and the Church play she is in.
And the winner is:
Gina and
(I had to pick 2 - or rather, Jessie picked 1 name and Tyler had to pick a name!). And we picked these out of everyone that answered clothing. I'd love to do something for everyone, but....it's Christmas you know.
So email me your address (tkjtbair at verizon dot net), and I'll get something out to you in the mail this week.
The party was a success - lots of good food, good friends and family. A smaller gathering perhaps in years past as 2 sets of very good friends couldn't make it due to other conflicts and ill parents but.....she had a good time.

And today was back to work for both Todd and I. I think I got less done last week being off than I get done in a normal week. Although part of that may be due to having slept/lazed around on and off due to not feeling well.
Todd shot a doe here in Ohio last Friday. It's been highs of low 20's, and he's been sitting out in his tree stand every day. She's hanging now, and we'll cut her up this week and what a welcome change it will be.

Now I'm off to clean up the house and do some sewing!!!!
She looks adorable in her dress! And I like the fabric, very much! I can't believe you got it done in less than 24 hours. Unbelievable. So good she enjoyed her party. May it be a fun & very Happy 9th Birthday week!
And YEAH on the doe. I was wondering if he had had any luck. Enjoy that yummy lean venison!
:) Ana
Yay, I won! Thank you so much. She looks very cute....
I will email you my address.
Congrats to the winners,,,hip hip hooray!!
she looks beautiful in the dress, you did a great job, I've made things out of that stuff, too, and ended up having to use a whole bottle of fray check on it! never again,,,,
happy birthday jessie...you look fab! (and what a great mom you have!)
Happy Birthday Jessie! And what a beautiful dress, kris. Well done! Congrats on the deer. I've never really liked venison. I was gifted some this year and I'm going to try using it once again. Eric would like to bow hunt next year, but if we don't like it, there really is no point!
love the dress and thanks to whichever one picked my name.
I'm glad Jesse had a great birthday
love and hugs Gina xxx
oh, i never would have guess! i really love it! what a great idea.
The dress looks great! I wish I had entered the contest...I've been behind in my blog reading, so I totally missed it. Darn! Happy Birthday Jessie!!
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