And I'm undecided. I have 4 (yes 4) teacher gifts that need finished by next Thursday and Friday. The problem is, I CANNOT settle on making any one thing for any of them. Maybe because I don't really know any of them well enough.
And this weekend will be packed. Tyler is going hunting in PA with daddy tomorrow, Jessie is having 2 little girlfriends over tomorrow night to spend the night, Saturday sometime I have to go help decorate the firehouse for a Christmas party, Sunday morning is church and play practice, and the fire department Christmas party is Sunday afternoon.
Any suggestions out there for quick, easy to make, nice looking appropriate teacher Christmas gifts? (I'm not asking for much, am I??)
In other news, our tree is finally up! After we ate dinner tonight, I put it together, figured out the lights, and the kids hung ornaments all over it.

I think the tree skirt makes the tree .....don't you?

Have a good evening!
The tree is gorgeous and the skirt DEFINITELY makes it more so. :) Awesome. Sounds like a busy, yet fun weekend of Christmas activity. Live the spirit!
As for teacher gifts, well, you actually suggested this yourself a while back on one of my posts...coasters and a mug. You could also put a little loop on the coaster(s) so it could be hung as an ornament. Let us know what you decide on, especially if its crafty! Tra la la...Ana
I like the idea of a coaster and a mug...with hot chocolate or even better...chocolate candies in it. Our teachers love the gift of chocolate at Christmas! :0)
That's the hardest part for me, too--deciding what to make! I've made some quick pot holder and oven mitt sets this week...or you could do a pot holder and matching towel (just purchase a towel and bind with fabric to match the potholder)! Good luck!
They may go straight into the trashcan but the kids made cinnamon applesauce ornaments for their teachers. Just a thought
love that tree skirt! i like the coaster idea too! nice and quick, but so pretty!
Hi Kris,
Love the tree, and tree skirt.
A tote bag would be nice ,teachers carry alot of papers back and forth.
Have a great wk.end!
i got hundreds of teacher gifts over the years and my fav were always ornaments. i still think of the kids who made them for me when i hang them on the tree. after that...something the potholder towel idea and that would be pretty quick too.
I have a few ornaments that were gifts from students during my teaching days. I also like the mug and coaster set idea.
My boys both came home with letters from their teachers encouraging us to not send gifts for them. Instead they are asking the children to make donations to the local food bank. Now I thought that was a great idea. We have cards for the teachers that tell them what we donated in their honor.
All the ideas so far are wonderful! I love the coasters and hot chocolate idea and teachers always need tote bags. Could you make something for the classroom? Maybe a happy house small hanging or an apple with a worm coming out of it. I know elementary school teachers need to really decorate their space...
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