However, there is a lazy chicken who lays her eggs in the late evening, on the wood floor under the nest boxes, and ontop of the timer and extension cords, which means the lamp gets unplugged a couple times a night. I switched the timer last night to shut off at 11:00 p.m. - if she's going to be dumb, they can all be cold.

Then tonight, I go out there to check for eggs - and I find this one:

Somehow this brings new meaning to the word "baby egg."
Hey Chris,
Now thats a baby egg!
Hope you're having a great wk.
Oh, it's cute! I think if you were going to use it in a recipe that you would need more than one ;)
I'm sorry to laugh because I know it may be a little frustrating, "That darn chicken?" But, that is THE cutest egg!
that's cute
Love and hugs Gina xxx
It is a cute little egg!:) Well, if you need 1 1/2 eggs for anything, you are set!
Yup, ours come in all sizes too! We have a chicken currently laying a huge double yolk everyday, which is lovely, but have often had "baby eggs" usually with very young chickens. We usually call them "starter eggs"
Perhaps that small egg is the seed for an egg plant...............
Cute baby egg!
Our chickens are lazy too! They don't start working until 3pm. And with about 25 chickens we are happy if we have 5-6 a day.
that is really so cute! what a tiny egg!
i just have to say, that chickens are so cute.
Aren't chickens just a wonder? Sometimes they seem like they might have a brain, but then there are time when they are laying their eggs in the darndest places that you've gotta think maybe they are just that dumb! Love the itty bitty egg!
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