Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This was a very interesting knit! The cables on each front panel kept it interesting, and the pattern was very detailed.
This cool "belt" is on the back right smack dab in the center of my waist:
I did run into one minor snafu on it - when I knit my right front piece, you are supposed to have 3 long cables and 1 short cable at the top with button holes. When I did that - the fronts were about 2 inches longer than the back. So I omitted the short button hole at the very top and just put 2 snaps up there to keep everything closed up. ****Thea is correcting this in the pattern***
I did end up tacking it closed by the buttons - it was pulling a little bit. Not sure if my button choice is too small but I wore it to work yesterday and it was a very, very comfortable sweater. It probably won't be worn again until next fall, as it is very warm, unless we have some more rainy, 50 degree days:)
I love the collar and the sleeves. It's long - but I love long sweaters.

Monday, April 26, 2010
I should NEVER be allowed to go to an auction!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Another Bull Calf!
Mommy, I'm showing Alli's calf at the fair this year as a feeder calf. And since he is sooo tiny, Alli and him are going to go in the barn next to Punx so that they can both eat very, very well and he can grow big and strong. And I can start working with him right away. Then I'm going to ask Jason to sell me his BEST bull calf from this year, and I'm going to have my two steers for next year. And Alli can go to the fair again and be shown, but not by me as she pushes me around. I'll get Dave to show her or Mason to show her. And she can repeat her Grand Champion shorthorn win if the judge likes her.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The first soccer game of the season - sorry, no pictures - it was in the 30's here Saturday morning, spitting snow....
Another bull calf born Tuesday morning:
And I'm madly trying to get flower beds and the house in order.....I spent all. day. long Sunday cleaning out the clutter (actually, just transferring it to the basement - the gremlins will take care of it right?)....anyhow, after the birthday dinner I remarked to Todd how much better i felt with the house clean....HE had to point out the dust and the cobwebs!

Sick rhododendron's on their way out of my flowerbed.
Something has to take a back seat. I'm giving myself until Friday to read all of your goings on in your blog posts, and I WON'T be posting until I do read them.....BUT, hopefully I will have some pictures of my new and improved flowerbeds when I come back.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Now Jessie is bummed. She had her heart set on showing one of our friend Jason's calves next year. But Todd says this little guy may be too big, so that is what she is hoping for:)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Spring Spectacular

Jessie had her first steer show of the year today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Calf #3
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I think all of my fish survived the winter. I cleaned out my pond last Thursday - yuck! Kinda hard to see in the picture but some of these goldfish and comets are over 6" long! And they reproduce worse than rabbits:)
So we've been spending lots of quality time in the barn. Although spending every evening in the barn means my crafting time has taken a serious hit, I am so close to having a sweater done, I'm going to crank it out here hopefully by the weekend.
Oh and before I forget, seeing these fabulous ladies cranking out clothes for their daughters, I made Jessie a little something to wear to her spring concert last week.
Sorry there is no picture of her in it. We were running late the morning she wore this to school, but it looked really cute with jean capris and a white tshirt. I'll try and get a picture of her when she comes home from school today (she has it on again). No pattern - the fabric already came with the elastic gathering at one end. Simply fit around her chest, sew the side seams, sew 2 straps and hem. We won't mention the capri pants I tried to make to match - which the guy at JoAnn Fabrics didn't cut my yard of fabric straight so I was about 6 inches short to having enough......
Have a sunny Wednesday. I'll be by to see you all....
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tyler's bedroom redo
Some firetruck prints on the wall. I took a bunch of pictures from the Firefighter Festival two years ago in West Salem, and printed some of them off. I'd like to get some of Todd's department and the trucks that are on it (especially the one that we rode away from the Church on when we got married):
I still need to put baseboards up all around. And probably get a few more area rugs before next winter. But I'm thinking I'm going to wait to do the baseboards until we have the floor laid in Jessie's room. And I really don't feel like staining all that trim! Eventually we will have laminate flooring throughout most of our house - it's so much easier to care for than carpeting.