Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Years Resolutions

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Obsessive Compulsive

Monday, December 29, 2008
Tyler's Lots of Squares

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wild Zen

I started another quilt.....

Of course, Jessie comes into my sewing room, and says she would like this quilt for on her bed. Not sure if I have enough fabric to get it big enough but.....maybe.
Saturday, December 27, 2008

We had my parents, brother, grandmother and uncle over Christmas Eve. The kids got a Wii from my grandmother, and are having so much fun with it. Jessie got the High School Musical III game, and it does lots of dancing - she works up a sweat doing it! I'm thinking of getting the Wii Fit set sometime here before too long.

We were home Christmas morning which was nice. We typically get the kids 1 big present (in the $50 range) and then get them 4 or 5 littler presents, plus their stockings. Due to some great deals, Tyler got an MP3 player for $14, Jessie got a cordless mouse for $12.....The kids LOVED their sheet blankets, although I was up until 12:30 finishing Tyler's, and there is about 5" around the very outside that I still need to quilt.

I'll be back later with my homemade Christmas presents and a new quilt that I started last night!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008
0 degrees

Afterwards I tried to get a nice picture of Jessie and Tyler in front of the tree they decorated during the play - and this is what I got:
Afterwards, my parents came over because we had seen these birdies. Mom cut them out, and I sewed them. Then Jessie wanted one - so I did the bright pink one for her. They are now sitting in our Christmas tree on the branches - but I forgot to get a better picture. Hopefully my Mom took better pictures (of both the Christmas play and the birdies!)
I would show the gifts I have finished so far, but someone showed Jessie how to get onto my blog, and she was reading back posts and I don't want to show what I have finished that is hers or Tylers. So on the 26th I will do a show and tell of every single present I've made.
And next year.....I'm so starting this in January. or February.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Where have I been?

I've been canning venison (6 quarts so far - hopefully 12 more to go):

I've been at Tyler's school Christmas Party:

P.S. And I have been tagged for a picture tag - I'll get to it this afternoon when I'm home from work:) Thanks guys!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I should be doing chores....

I only made half of the dough - which made 13 BIG rolls. The rest I put in the freezer. May have to make more tonight. This dough also makes yummy dinner rolls (you know the kind you buy at the store in the bags that you just stick in the oven and bake - just like those!)
I should have been making Christmas gifts
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fire Department Christmas Party
I feel like I am FINALLY getting a handle on the Christmas gifts to give. Couple big ones to finish up and I will be set.
Yesterday was the fire department Christmas party. Of course, there were crafts:

And food (no pictures there). And a visit from Santa (played by one of the firefighters).

Tyler guessed right off (again) which firefighter was playing Santa. His response when we asked how he knew that it wasn't "Santa" - well, of course it's not the real Santa Claus - he is much too busy to come to a party right now. So he hires helpers, and John happened to be the only one who would fit in Daddy's Santa suit, which the real Santa Claus rents off of Daddy for parties like these. (This is actually Todd's Santa Claus suit, made for him by his mother 18 or so years ago).
Wish somedays that I had an imagination like Tylers!
And....Todd shot a button buck while Tyler and him were in PA - so this weekend he can shoot 1 or 2 more in Ohio, and we should be good to go for winter:)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
We would have gotten 8 eggs today


Friday, December 12, 2008
Winter Chores
Todd and Tyler left for PA for the last weekend of deer season this morning. So chores were a little easier on me tonight - but not much.

Get dressed to go outside. THis means heavy socks, sweatshirt, Columbia jacket, carhart bibs, insulated muck boots. I lost my gloves and haven't broken down and brought a new pair yet. The old ones would show up if I ever had a moment to clean out my closet.
3:00 - The chickens are laying 7 eggs a day most days. Go out, take them water. Collect eggs. Get out the 1/2 bale of shavings left, dump round for them, bring a bag of layer mash up to the chicken coop. Try to carry 50 lb. bag while also carrying a flake of hay in other hand (do you know how akward it is to bend down with a bag of grain on 1 shoulder to pick up a single flake of hay - might have been easier to carry a whole bale up there, but then Todd would know I was feeding the chickens his premium steer calf hay. Not a good idea). Give the chickens feed. Try and get a picture of my favorite rooster.

While I was in the barn getting the hay, I put hay in the horses stalls and fed the cat. We don't give our horses much grain. They are way to fat as it is. Here in another month, they may start getting a handful. We'll see how I feel about it and how they look condition wise. They do get 1 1/2 bales of timothy/alfalfa hay a day between 3 of them.

Outside dog #1

Outside dog #2
Start the water trough for the cows. Put hay in for the heifer calves. Run and get dog food for 2 outside dogs, feed them and break the ice in their water buckets.

Go back and turn off the water for the cows. Walk to barn #2 and check on the steers back there - Todd gave them hay and water this morning, so I should just have to do grain.

I'll go out about 5:00 - let the horses in, give the heifer calves and the steer calves 3 buckets of grain between them and I AM DONE FOR THE NIGHT.
The first round only took me 25 minutes. Of course, I spent about 5 minutes trying to get a picture of my favorite rooster:)
And now I have a couple hours to sew - and if the girls behave, I can sew most of the evening!
See ya,