All table runners - but they are table runners that I have had the fabric for for years (one dates back to 1996) so I'm happy to have them 1 step closer to being done!
We went to a picnic Saturday night - one of the firefighter's Todd is a volunteer with is moving to Witchita, Kansas - so a goodbye party was in order (and of course, the only picture that sort of came out was the kids in the hot tub:
Whoo hooo! I FINALLY got a video to upload (I've only tried about a zillion times). And now we realize why she gets the broken bones she does.....
We've been a little blah lately - sort of stuck in a rut. Between homework, soccer, chores, housecleaning and work - there isn't a whole lot of time for fun. Hopefully that will change this weekend. Then again, Todd's ready to cut our 3rd and final cutting of hay, so if he does that tonight as planned, the weekend could be pretty full. I'm not 100% sure why we are cutting it - we have about 90 round bales in the barn, and about 400 square bales. We are down to 4 cows, the bull and 7 calves. So we won't need more than 1/2 the hay we have, but I'm thinking he's hoping he can sell some next spring - it's been so long since we've been able to sell any hay, and usually we are the ones buying it come April.
Jessie's getting along very, very well with her arm. She wants to play soccer in the worst way on Saturday, but we compromised. She can go to both practices next week and see how it goes. If she is ok - she can play from there on out. I'd rather have her decide at practice that it's not going to work, than in the middle of a game. She's riding her bike, jumping on the trampoline, running around like a mad girl.
Tomorrow I'm going out to our corn patch and cutting down some corn stalks to decorate outside with. Then we'll hunt up some pumpkins and decorate.And I worked on a fall coat for my niece for her birthday after the kids were in bed (at 8:15 - they were tired) - hopefully tonight it will be done and I can post a picture of it. While it won't be as cute as this one, it should work the way I want it to.
And clean inside thanks to Tyler's and my efforts over the weekend:
And our chickens are huge. Tyler and I cleaned out the chicken coop yesterday morning - these guys (and girls) have grown an amazing amount - and they look like chickens now. Of course, every blade of grass that was in the chicken run is gone - so Tyler's been raking up grass clippings and giving them little treats. They also love tomatos and peaches. The first batch is now 16 weeks old - so I'm hoping here in a few more weeks we start getting some eggs.
See ya,
The black heifer (Ali) is the calmest of the bunch, although they are all very quiet. Tyler named one of the red ones "Mittens" and Jessie named the black one "Ali". They may never be shown, but we like all of our cows to at least be handleable - makes it easy if you ever have to work with them.
I hope everyone is doing well and recoving from Hurricane Ike. We had horrific winds all day yesterday - power off and on - lots of downed trees and limbs, and about 1/2 the siding was blown off the one end of our house.
Yes, I'm a dork with my hat on backwards!
This is a friend of ours, who won his first heat, and then came back in the open jackpot heat and won that. Our friends' daughter, Allison, asked him if he made enough money to fix his car so he could bring it back next year:)
Now I guess it's back to my garden and yard - see what's still surviving out there.