Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Farmer Ingenuity
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Snowin' & Blowin' & Sewin'
Monday, February 25, 2008
Necessary work
Tomorrow night Todd has fire practice, so the kids will be in bed tomorrow night by 8 and I will have about 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time. I love it that our kids are so well trained about bedtime.
4-6 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow, and 2-3 tomorrow night.
I did make yogurt tonight from Angie's post earlier today - can I say how yummy it is (I had to try it before putting it in the fridge)??? Our kids are yogurt fanatics (they will eat this quart in a matter of hours), but it gets so danged expensive. At least this way, I know what is going into it. I could buy enough yogurt for 2 quarts a day for our family, and it wouldn't be near enough.
It's 6:30 Tuesday morning, I just pulled the yogurt out of the fridge for my kids' breakfast - they say it is better than store brought stuff. It is good. I guess I'll be making more tonight.
Stay warm,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
- I ran way over on our family plan cell phone minutes last month when my sister was in the hospital (to the tune of a $240 cell phone bill) and Verizon told me if I came in and got Todd a new phone and changed our plan, they would wipe out the overage on our bill. So Todd got a new cell phone on Friday, which meant that Saturday morning I was in Wal-mart at 11:00 in the morning looking for a new case as his new phone is much bigger than his old one (and I was NOT paying $55 for the case that comes with his phone at Verizon)
- Todd also decided that he needed to castrate/vaccinate and ear tag all 4 calves that we have had this year so far. And guess who was nominated to help? I am not a good one with knives or ear taggers, so it was my job to HOLD THE CALVES. This wasn't hard, until we got to our oldest calf who is 2 months old. I failed miserably holding this poor guy. I did manage to, barely, semi-contain him, and then had to sort of sit on him and choke hold him to keep him down.
- I have scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees 3 times this weekend, and will be doing it again here tonight after we eat dinner and the kids are in bed. Living on the farm means lots of poop, which inevitably gets dragged into the house with the - I just need this, or I just need a quick drink. And, I am a fanatic about keeping my floor clean (I hate gritty floors) I saw Lyndsey at Yonder Way Farm has a post on the Swiffer Scrubber and homemade recipes for floor cleaners. I have my list and am going to the store tomorrow.
- This afternoon I also had to help clean off the cow lot. We have a 20 x 40 concrete area with head gates, as well as a 1 acre lot they stay in this time of year. Of course, with the round bale feeder being on the concrete, the cows like to congregate there. And it gets filled up with poop. Todd and 2 of his buddies were here this afternoon doing various manly things, but then AFTER they leave - he needs help running gates to scrape it off with the skidloader - and I get nominated again. The reason I get nominated - is I'm not afraid of the cows (One of the guys that was here is used to dairy cows, and he thinks ours are going to come after him - as Todd says, "it is just easier if you help me, and I don't spend my time laughing at him.") Pretty exciting stuff being told you are a better farm hand to your hubby than his friends. (Of course, if he wants to use the muscle of his friends, I am perfectly happy with this, as then I can do what I had planned to do over the weekend and did not get done).
- I have also picked up more toys this weekend than I can ever remember. I wish (as do the kids) that they could get outside and play - but winter is still around.
- I have sorted through 267 boxes of girl scout cookies that Jessie sold to make sure I had everyone's order. Now the fun part is delivering them all. . . .
Speaking of Wal-mart, are people just not shopping like they used too? I avoid that store like the plague, but when I was there Saturday a.m. (prime shopping time) there was NO ONE there. I was able to park right up front, and be in and out of there in 15 minutes. I know we aren't shopping like we used to, but I was impressed. Not impressed enough to start shopping there unless I really need something they carry, but. . .
I hear we are also to get more snow - just what we need. I am going this week to buy the rest of my seeds, so that here in about 2 weeks I can start my garden seeds indoors. I've had little success with this in the past, but after reading Angie's blog and joining her Take 5 group, I am ready to try again (and again, if necessary).
Bring on Spring!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Mindless Evenings
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Fun Day
I am so thrilled with the way this turned out. I still have 1 more border to put around it, which will be 5 inches of either a red or a blue tone print, and then baste it, quilt it and another one done.
I have Tyler's firetruck quilt pin basted, a pink patchwork lap quilt pin basted, so once I get this one done, I'll be busy for a few weeks quilting all these.
It's freezing cold here - right now it's 23 degrees. This morning when we all got up it was 3 degrees. I did spend some time outside this afternoon filling water troughs for the cows - when it gets this cold they drink a lot more trying to stay warm. All the cows and babies are doing well, 069 is the only one that is still inside, but her leg is coming along and hopefully this weekend her and her baby will go out with the rest of the herd.
For dinner tonight, I cheated. I marinaded some cube steaks in a can of beer for an hour, and then rubbed them with brown sugar, salt and pepper, let them sit for 1/2 an hour and cook them. I got the recipe off of Sugar Creek Farm's blog - we'll see how they taste - they smell yummy. Along with noodles and veggies from Market Day at school, and a brownie mix from our local bulk food store, and that will be dinner (although I'm not expecting the brownies to last much past tonight). Tomorrow night will be a roast and potatoes and carrots - I just wasn't organized enough to start it all in the crockpot this morning.
See ya,
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Decisions, decisions
. . .
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Our Battle with Eczema
Jessie has horrible eczema - so bad that some winters, her little legs would be nothing but raw, oozing skin. We tried our family doctor, we tried 2 dermatologists, and every natural health food store around. One dermatologist gave us a prescription for a cream that he had never seen fail. $298 a tube later, it didn't work (and to top it all off, we see on the News that this particular cream has a 1 in 75 chance of causing a form of skin cancer with prolonged use - it went to the trash in a hurry).
In looking online, I discovered homemade bar soap and laundry soap. Todd teases me all the time - living in the 21st century and making soap like your pioneer ancestors. Well, the pioneers must've been on to something. I make the homemade bar soap from here (I use the All Vegetable Blend - No Palm Oil recipe and don't add any coloring or fragrances) and I tell you what, within 2 baths/showers, her eczema is entirely gone. My bars aren't pretty, by any means, but they work. And one batch lasts a little over a year since she is the only one to use it.
The laundry soap I use is here . I have no idea if it is cost effective, but again, when used in combination with the bar soap, there are days I will pay any price to keep her eczema away. And just using it on the kids' laundry, 1 batch will last about 6 weeks, give or take.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Apparently, we are in the midst of calving season. I get off work at 4:00 every day, and after picking up the kids, I usually roll in the drive about 4:40, 4:45 or so. I always check to make sure no one is standing in the back of the front lot, especially this time of the year, just so no one is calving.
Todd calls me at 4:50 - "any calves yet?" "Nope, not a one"
. . .
then he gets home and GUESS WHAT IS IN THE SHED????
Another bull calf. My excuse was, with all the rain (1 1/2 inches yesterday) everything is sopping wet, and he is a chocolate brown calf that blended right in with the wet and muddy straw:
So I will have to redeem myself with the next calf that I really do pay attention (and as I pointed out, with the round bale feeder and the head gates, it is a little difficult to see into the shed), but still. . . Momma is fine, baby is feisty so all is well in our little corner of the world.
Boys - 4; Girls - 0
Hope everyone enjoys their evening,
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Firetrucks and more firetrucks
Friday, February 15, 2008
2 Newest Additions
How fun!!

Excellent? How wonderful - Thanks Farm Mom!!
I choose to pass this along to: Just Granny's, Yonder Way Farm, The Beginning Farmers Wife, Loosing our Shirts, Keeping the Farm, The Quilting Bookworm, Crazy Mom Quilts, Sugar Creek Farm
I must admit, this has been so much fun - when I first started, I didn't tell anyone I was doing this for a number of weeks (I think it was mid-end January). I wasn't sure I would have anything worth talking about, and whether I would have time for it. But I feel like I have made a whole new set of friends, and our family values have shifted ever so slightly, for the better I believe, in that we are making a conscious effort to get back to a healthier, simpler, lifestyle.
Thanks Farm Mom!! Kris
Thursday, February 14, 2008
2 New Valentine's Day Calves

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sue Quilt is DONE!!!
It's a little wavy, I think because the fabric is so old, but on the whole, I'm pleased. No, this quilt will never make it onto Jessie's bed, fortunately it is entirely too large for her twin bed!! I just had to see how it would look!!
On the home front, I took a day off work today - which was so nice. Todd and I had off yesterday, as he had to have surgery on his sinus cavitites/nose, and we had thought we would be home early, but it was 3:30 until we got home. The kids didn't have school Monday and Tuesday this week, so then I had to go get them, do chores for Todd (as he isn't allowed to lift more than 25 lbs for a couple days), and I wasn't feeling the greatest this morning when I woke up, and Tyler didn't have preschool due to the weather. So Tyler and I have spent a nice day at home.
I had to laugh yesteray - while we were waiting for Todd to be taken in to the Operating Room, he asked about the garden and what I wanted to plant. As I start digging in my purse for my list, and rattling off the top of my head (sauce tomatos, slicing tomatos, cherry tomatos, cucumbers, peppers, chilli peppers, onions, garlic, celery, carrots, zuccini, squash, lettuce, cabbage, beans, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries) his eyes just got bigger and bigger and he finally asks - "do I have to double the size of the garden?" He's on board with this now, that we are going to try and grow as much of our own veggies and fruit as we possibly can, and in fact, he suggested we also grow eggplant and rhubarb (turns out he likes fried eggplant - I never knew that). So this weekend, weather permitting, he is going to haul some cow manure over to the garden and spread it around so it can sit for a while before we work it. He's also on board with doing this as organically as we possibly can. At least it got him thinking while we waited for 2 1/2 hours for his turn in the OR.
No babies yet - I've braved the cold a few times today, the girls look miserable, but I think they are waiting for it to warm up (hopefully this weekend). It's 21 degrees right now, and I am pretty thankful they aren't calving at the moment (it's too cold for me to want to be out there).
Now I had better go and try to figure out something good for dinner. I think it will either be chilli or steak. I'm opting for chilli with cornbread. . ..
Monday, February 11, 2008
Cold, cold weekend
Even Todd, who is not a big soup eater (more meat and potatos) liked it. With a loaf of homemade bread, it definitely hit the spot. And now I know how to cook those soup bones so I don't end up throwing them out in the spring when it is time to clean out the freezers.
No baby calves yet, but 2 of the girls are looking rather close. We were praying it was not going to be last night, as with the windchill the temps were -30 degrees, but so far this morning, there were none on the ground. We have a nice shed with lots of straw for all the cows, so hopefully the mothers won't be dumb and have them out in the field, but these are cows and you never know.
My pond hasn't frozen yet - guess our little stock tank heater is doing it's job, but the water is so murky - I am dying to get in there and clean it up and make it crystal clear again:
School was canceled for today due to the cold, so the kids are enjoying a day at the babysitter's while we are both at work. I didn't get any sewing done this weekend, but my house is clean and my freezers are somewhat organized.
Stay warm,
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sunbonnet Sue
Yes, it looks bad now, but here in a few weeks, weather cooperating, we'll start getting it ready, and hopefully with being involved in the Take Five group, I'll be able to keep up on it this summer.
Tomorrow's high with wind chill is -15. I'm hoping to get lots done inside. Stay warm everyone,
Friday, February 8, 2008
Homemade Granola Bars
1 c. brown sugar
2/3 c. peanut butter
1/2 c. corn syrup or honey
2 tsp. vanilla
3 c. quick oats
1/2 c. coconut
1/2 c. shelled sunflower seeds
1/3 c. wheat germ
1 c. choc chips
1/2 c. raisins or craisins (we use craisins)
1/2 c. butter
heat oven to 350 - grease 9x13 pan
melt peanut butter, brown sugar, corn syrup/honey, vanilla and butter. Add remaining ingredients, press into pan.
Bake 15 - 20 minutes. Cool completely, if everyone will leave them alone, that is (our pan has been out of the oven for 20 minutes, and there's 4 inches of it gone already, if that tells you anything).
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Quilting Night
I love nights like this one - busy, but relaxing and I actually got a chance to sit down and sew:
I also love quilting when I am further along than I realize:
(yes, the one row has a jig jog in it, but I will rip that out tonight and redo it).
Now it's just do the outer borders, bind it and DONE. I had originally just intended to quilt around each Sunbonnet Sue and the inside of the blocks and let that be enough, but realized quickly that if I ever want to wash it, it needs to be a little more sturdy. So I did straight lines up and down the inside borders, and will go around the outside in straight lines. All in all, I am pleased with how it is coming out.
I should have worked on Tyler's firetruck quilt, but really wasn't in the mood to do a lot of thinking. This weekend it's supposed to be super cold out, so I will get some work done on it.
My sister's recovery seems to be moving very fast. She is on the regular heart ward hospital floor, eating and talking and starting to move around. Still very weak, but much, much improved. She was not believing anyone who said it was Tuesday/Wednesday 1 week later when she was really with it, and I would have loved to have been a mouse in the corner to see and hear her reaction. Her sons went up to visit her tonight, I am sure they are much relieved. **I just heard early on Friday that she could be discharged completely from the hospital as early as this Sunday, as soon as her chest tubes come out - YIPPEEE**
I am getting anxious for spring - so anxious I had to go out and buy some herbs to start in pots this weekend. We have a southeast facing room with lots of windows and it gets nice and sunny and warm. I figured I'll start them out now, and later on transplant them into my garden. Just couldn't wait for decent weather thought - had to get my greenhouse fix in February. I am really looking forward to gardening this year - I think it will be fun to be part of the Take Five group from childreninthecorn.
No cattle babies yet, but a couple are looking closer. The race is on already - more boys or more girls (and the kids are the main culprits - "HAHA we've got more boys" or vice versa). At least they are into raising animals and living on the farm.
Stay warm, everyone.