UGH. I feel like this weekend has just flown by, and can I say that I do not like it, not one little bit?
My sister had open heart surgery last Wednesday and Thursday for a congenital defect. The surgery was a success, but Thursday night she gave us some scary moments that needless to say, left Todd and I at 11:00 p.m. driving to my parents house to take care of their animals as they weren't sure if they were going to get home that night. We got home close to 12:30, so I took Friday off to go sit in ICU with her and her husband, Rich and just lend moral support. Then Saturday was the usual run around, call the million relatives to let them know how she was doing, and today was back up there to visit her in ICU. She is progressing, it is just going to be a long, slow road taken in baby steps. We are confident that she will prevail, but her temper is coming out at this point (she is fighting them every step of the way, which I personally think is great - her spirit to live is so strong), but it's hard to see her at this point.
I didn't do any quilting on Tyler's firetruck quilt this weekend - I was afraid that with my mind not on it, I would make some mistakes that are best not made.
Jessie had a friend's birthday party today as well, so my in-laws took her. Of course, she had to have a gift, so I quick made her a woven necklace, earrings and a bracelet. Hopefully she liked them!!!

Last year when Jessie was in 1st grade, I made these quilts for her teachers (she had 2 teachers that job shared). The kids all decorated a fabric square with fabric markers, and I sewed them together into a quilt. It was such a positive experience for the kids, they loved seeing what their efforts had created. The teachers absolutely loved them (I did too, and would have loved to have 1 for me, but . . . .I'm not the teacher:)). Somehow I got 2 pictures of 1 of the quilts - no biggie, I'll figure out one of these days how to erase it.
Mom and Aunt Darlene - you can now post annonomously. I had no clue it was set that way. What can I say - I'm a newbie!!!
Wow! So glad your sister came out of surgery and is on the long slow road to recovery. We have ALOT of heart disease in my family, so I know how it is. I hope she feels better soon...and glad to hear she still has her gumption!! :)
Huge prayers for a wonderful recovery, and thanks sent up for her fightability, too!
the quilts are devine!! and when you find out how to delete a picture, please please please let me know the secret, too
thanks for sharing
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