Of course, mud means that we have to keep the cows and calves bedded up pretty good - who would want to lay around in wet straw and mud all the time? So Todd brought home 5 big square bales yesterday that he brought off of a neighbor farmer. The kids of course thought they were fun to play on, they were up so high:
These are going to be my projects while waiting around while Tyler is in surgery tomorrow getting his tonsils and adnoids taken out:
We'll see if I can concentrate on them. I've had the star one done for a number of years, just didn't have the binding on it, and I quick made the other one for Tyler's nighstand.
I've also had pillowcases cut out for both of them, and just finished sewing them up (I'm having motivation problems lately - just not getting much totally completed):
I did make myself a new purse and wallet - I love the yellow and blue, it's just not me at the moment, and these chickens spoke to me (how bad is that, that fabric chickens are talking to me now??):
Hopefully tonight to tomorrow (after Tyler's surgery), I will finally get my seeds started - every weekend I say I'm going to do it, and then we get busy. If I'm reading the calendar right, this weekend is 7 weeks until our last frost date for this area, so I've still got time as I've never had much luck putting anything out before Memorial Day, but. . .I'm anxious to get them going.
Have a good start to the week!! I'll be back post surgery:)
I'll be thinking of you and Tyler. Hope all goes well. Those chickens are so darn cute. I would look smashing carrying that bag!
you are a very busty woman! I hope Tyler is doing okay!
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