Friday, October 31, 2008
I've been BOO'ED

Thursday, October 30, 2008

She will go back on the 17th to hopefully be done with casts, and then follow up visits at 6 months and 1 year to make sure it is all healed.
She says she picked orange to go with her witch's halloween costume for trick or treating tomorrow night:)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Baby Quilts

I made it for him because we had no one give him a baby quilt or afghan when he was born (and Jessie received 3 quilts and 7 afghans all handmade). So I made it for him so he would have at least 1. Everyone gave us boy clothes instead, since all we had was pink.
So leftover firetruck fabric from Tyler's quilt:

will be turned into at least 2 baby quilts;
And this John Deere fabric will turn into a quilt similar to this one (since no one in our house is a John Deere fan):

Of course, I then had to hunt through my stash for fabric for quilts for the little girls being born:

The only reason I'm thinking of this now (when I should be thinking Christmas presents and finishing up what is already started and almost done) is 1 of the showers is next weekend:)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Repurposed Finds

I did tell the kids - if they get covered in mud and think they are going to tramp through the house one more time - they can take a bath out with the cows. Which they thought would be fun.

Have a good day!
Monday, October 27, 2008

It's red - there's no question about that. And I love it. And the lady at Home Depot was right - it's going to take another quart of paint, and probably another 2 coats to get even coverage. But it will be so worth it. Next up is the royal blue wall. At least paint is cheap.
And I worked on Christmas presents over the weekend. I'm turning these:

into pj pants for Tyler. I've made 2 pairs for Jessie so far. With tshirts I found at Children's Place over the weekend for 97 cents each, they'll both have new pj's for Christmas.
We had a beautiful weekend - cooler but oh so nice. So we spent a LOT of time outside cleaning up - a friend had given us 30 pieces of industrial strength gutter 25 foot long - we put those up in the rafter of the barn:

Yes, crappy photo but I was trying to run the skidloader and lift Todd up in the air to put the gutters up in the rafters.
And other little odds and ends projects. Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Daddy and Mommy are Softies...

Tyler is at the babysitter's today - and there was a strange cat hanging around. The babysitter's husband would not let her keep it. Tyler knew enough to know he didn't want to let him get rid of it. Tyler and the babysitter check door to door all around the neighborhood - no one is claiming it...
So when I show up to pick him up, it's oh please mommy, can I keep him. I'll feed him and play with him and take good care of him.

I call Todd (actually, I sent him a picture message of Tyler and the cat, and asked him how he liked Tyler's new pet). 30 seconds later - Todd calls me.
What sex is this cat? and Is it fixed.
It's a male (I think - Todd will have to check for sure). And I don't think it's fixed.
Is it tame?
Seems to be.
What the heck, bring him home. If he's still around when we go to PA in a couple weeks to visit the relatives, we'll take it with us and have it fixed (his uncle is a vet).
So Tyler has a new cat, and he is one happy little boy.

And me, who is allergic to cats, is hoping I can keep this wonderfully friendly and loving animal out of the house!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This one is 4 inches square - this could become addicting!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Darn it all to Heck
And I have an ornament swap coming up - I've started my ornaments, but saw something cuter that I think my swap partner would like. I just saw it today - and thought I'm going to try and make something similar when I get home tonight. But like an idiot, I didn't write down the blog name. And since I read faithfully (but don't always comment faithfully) over 100 blogs, do you think I can find it?????? Nope. It's nowhere to be found.
I know I still have my original idea - mostly done. And I know I have time to find it - sort of. But.... I'm 99.99999% certain I read it sometime today (see, the sometimers is kicking in here - could've been yesterday I read it) so guess I'll be going back and reading everyone's blog posts again. Which is fine - I enjoy catching up on everyone's lives time and time again. There are a couple blogs I know this doesn't belong to, but in the interest of being fair, I'll read each and every one again (at least your most recent posts).
And now I am off to put the kids in bed, find that post and turn this:

into an ornament for my swap partner!
Wonder if Todd will notice that he is missing a feed sack from the barn?????
My New Quilt Frame

I've wanted a long arm quilt machine, but the cost is a little prohibitive, for Todd and I, at this point in time.
I found this website on the web, and was intrigued. According to it I could use my machine like a long arm machine, but also, the frame is lightweight, stores easily, and I could do hand quilting on it too. I really need to learn how to hand quilt (and I have a hoop stand frame and a Q snap frame). There is a link on the home page that you can watch the same DVD they send with the frame to set it up.

After checking on ebay, I found 1 for $69.99 plus s/h (which I think was around $15). I could have brought just the hardware for $49 (and brought my own rails) but to begin with, I wanted the whole set up.
It goes together ok - it took me about an hour watching the DVD and following along step by step. And that was putting it all together and loading the quilt onto it as well.
Quilting was a breeze. Once I figured out just where to put the PVC pipes that support the quilt frame on either side of my machine, and the easiest way to hold the frame - the quilting flew by.

Advancing the quilt to quilt new parts is not bad - a little tricky the first couple times but then it was fine. This frame it is easiest if you quilt from left to right and go all the way across the quilt. Then at the end you cut your threads and start at the left all over again. It mentioned (I think) in the DVD that you can stop with your needle down and advance the quilt on the frame, but I'm not co-ordinated enough to do that. And I could just see trying to explain to Todd that he needs to fix my machine again cause I bent something doing that!
I think it may waste a little more backing fabric (and I am one that likes to slide by with as little waste as possible) but I'm not sure. I did load 2 more tops onto it yesterday when I was done with this one (2 table toppers that are each about 18" square) - I loaded them side by side, the idea beingI can quilt across the first one and keep going right across the second one. We'll see how that works. The plus side is what waste you have is at least 44" wide (or however wide your backing is) and 6-8" long - so it's a good size piece of fabric.
I do not like how the machine is positioned only for 1 fact - it is extremely hard to thread the machine (and maybe that is just me). Or I just cannot thread my machine if I am not facing it head on. It does take up a lot of space to quilt (you need about 4' on each side of your machine clear) but I just set it up on my kitchen table. I have plans of putting a 6 or 8 foot folding table in my sewing room and using that.
But, I'm happy I brought it and Todd is already planning on going to the hardware store and getting me rails to do bigger quilts on it. Since most of my quilts tend to be twin or double sized quilts....
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Notice the mini DVD player in the background? It came with an instructional DVD showing exactly how to set it up, so of course, it was easier to watch and follow along!
And quilted this table runner on it:

She has a soft-sided waterbed that did not come with a headboard and footboard, but the frame sticks out at the end just enough you easily bang your shins on it. So I found this in my in-laws barn and Todd says he can just bolt it to the current bed frame. We'll see how that works.
Oh and we cleaned up the garden and the chicken coop, and vaccinated all the calves this morning.
Friday, October 17, 2008
A Unanimous Success

Corn Mazes and Pumpkin Patches

I'll have to get a better picture taken later - it's awesome. And so nice and warm!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My New Knit, a birthday, a Give-away and a Quilt Block

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Nice Thing About a New to me Computer Hutch

My SIL is going through a rough patch right now and is really short on cash (aren't we all?) but I've been drooling over this hutch/desk for months now, and when she offered it to me so dang cheap, I just couldn't refuse.
And never fear - Jessie has my old one in her room. Honestly, the things they want these kids to do in school (in 3rd grade) requires her to be on the internet 2-3 nights a week for a 1/2 hour. So she's got our old computer in her room, with internet connection, to hopefully help her study better.

So I set her up with what websites she can get on (I have everything else blocked so she can't stumble somewhere she shouldn't) and that way, if she wants to get on a different website, I have to go in there and change the settings. That's the wonderful thing about Verizon DSL - GREAT parental controls....And she has her math games on this computer - the deal being she has to do 15-20 minutes of Math 5 times a week.
I did get some sewing in last night - but this is the only picture I took:

Block #14 of the Nearly Insane Quilt - it's a 6" block that is all paper pieced. Kristie encouraged me to start this, and it was fun doing the first block. Of course, I made myself finish up 1 top before starting this block - that will be my motivation to get everything done!
And this morning at 6:00 we were outside moving round bales. The bales that Todd baled last week heated up and were smelling pretty bad. So Todd got up early and moved them outside so we didn't burn the barn down:
See ya,
Monday, October 13, 2008
End of Soccer

I could not get a good video of him scoring a goal, but here's some pictures of him:
He hates playing goalie with a passion!
Saturday night we had a fire department hog roast. Of course, Todd tells me about this Friday, and there is costume judging for the kids. Tyler's costume is done. Jessie's I still need to do the dress and buy her a witch's hat. So we come home from soccer, I sew the dress, and on the way in we stop at the store and buy a witch's hat - and no other kids had costumes on, so they didn't do costume judging. At least I am ready for Halloween though.
It was a beautiful afternoon. We played cornhole:
Talked with friends:
The kids painted pumpkins:
Some adults tried to hula hoop with the kids (around their necks, no less):
And went on a chilly hayride after dark where the kids got into a hay fight:
Jessie came over to me about 9:30 (where I was sitting extremely close to the fire trying to stay warm), sat on my lap and proceeded to FALL ASLEEP. And she slept until Todd finally put her in the Durango at 10:30 to go home. While Tyler ran around with the rest of the kids like a banshee ready to roll all night long.
Our 3rd cutting of hay is baled, the barns were cleaned out and we had fun. What more could we ask for??