We came home from the basketball game at 9:00, and there were people in the ditch all over the place. Our road is barely passable - not quite a full lane to get through. At least it is warming up some - it's 29 degrees right now.
The fence is 5 foot high - and it's up to the fence at this corner of the drive.
If I stand on the other side of this pile, it is over my head by a good couple feet (and I'm 5'6").
Tyler can stand under the branches on this tree normally - it's like this the whole way down the drive.
I did think about walking back up to the house and getting my camera, but was to tired after walking back up the drive to think about walking down it, taking the picture and then going back to the house. Guess that will teach me that I should always have a camera with me:)
The kids are back in school today (HOOORRAY!) - they were bickering constantly yesterday. I did get lots of cleaning and sewing done yesterday, so that was a good thing.
Although I hear we are supposed to get another 12 inches this weekend - let's hope that the person I heard that from is wrong!
See everyone later! Stay warm!
PS - I've received a couple awards from some wonderful blogging buddies. I'll be back later to post about them! Thanks so much ladies!
She hasn't broken them yet. But.....this is what I caught them doing yesterday when they were outside:
I know, I should have gotten the video from the other side so you could see the steps they were "sledding" down, but.....I didn't want to encourage them!
I'm going today to buy a gigantic roll of bubble wrap. Jessie will be wrapped in it 24/7 from now until she turns 21. Then her health insurance will be HER concern and not ours!
And Midnight thought he had to go somewhere "safe" to watch them. Although he probably remembers the sled and Tyler trying to take him sledding down the small hill behind our house....
Have a great day! I am SO GLAD they are back in school!!!
This is Midnight headed for the open back door of the house. He's turning into a real diva - does not like the snow on his paws or even on his person......Tyler might have had something to do with that trying to take him sledding with him last week......wish I had a video of that one!
I just keep saying spring is coming, spring is coming......and I am so glad I do not live out further west.......because to me, anything below 60 ish is cold!
This is a table runner I've been working on in my spare time. I can honestly say I don't know why I've been working on it - other than I've had it for years and have been in the mood to sit and watch TV in the evenings (especially 24), but if I'm not doing something, I'll fall asleep.
And this is a quilt top I've been working on pin basting. I found it in an antique store last spring for $2.00. It's pieced by hand and I'm planning on machine quilting it and keeping it in the Durango year round for use whenever we need:
Stay warm everyone! This weekend our temps are supposed to get up into the mid 20's - it will feel like a heatwave out there!!!
This cat loves to play with rubber bands - of all things. I'll try and get him on video one of these nights. I spend a lot of time hunting him down and taking his rubber bands away because I'm afraid he's going to swallow them. Jessie's hairbands work for him to play with when I get all the rubber bands - from the rubberband guns that someone gave the kids a few years ago:)